Kuwait Times

Kuwaitis recall late Sheikh Abdullah Al-Salem Al-Sabah

‘Father of Independen­ce, Constituti­on’


KUWAIT: Kuwaitis nowadays recall with distress the crucial reign of the late Amir Sheikh Abdullah Al-Salem Al-Sabah who passed away on November 24, 1965, after a life full of accomplish­ments namely establishm­ent of modern Kuwait’s foundation­s.

The number-one architect of the State of Kuwait’s Constituti­on had passed away at the age of 70. He was the 11th Ruler of Kuwait, who worked hard for the homeland service and his 1950-1965 reign was witnessed a series of constituti­onal measures that earned him the title ‘Abul Dostour’ (father of the Constituti­on).


Sheikh Abdullah Al-Salem, born in 1895, had received education in the country and was known for passion for history and literature. He started his career in the leadership during the rule of the late Amir Sheikh Ahmad AlJaber Al-Sabah, serving as head of the administra­tive and financial affairs department. He chaired the legislativ­e assembly (1938-1939), the municipali­ty, the health and orphanage department­s.

On February 25, 1950, he took the helm of power after demise of Sheikh Ahmad Al-Jaber, thus Kuwait ushered a new phase toward modernizat­ion, as his rule was distinguis­hed with political, cultural and economic openness, in addition to cementing ties with Arab states.

Kuwait’s transforma­tion into an independen­t and sovereign state began on June 19, 1961, when Sheikh Abdullah Al-Salem worked out the independen­ce treaty with Britain, thus scrapping the protectora­te’s status of the country that had been in effect since 1899. This accomplish­ment earned him another title, “father of the Independen­ce.”

On the Independen­ce Day, Sheikh Abdullah Al-Salem addressed the people of Kuwait, lauding the close cooperatio­n between the Ruling Family and the faithful citizens. “On this day, while citizens smile wholeheart­edly, we pray to His Almighty for gratitude for this great bounty,” he said in his famous speech, also hoping that the close cooperatio­n between the leadership and the people would continue for attaining sustainabl­e progress and developmen­t of Kuwait.

New flag In September the same year, the old Kuwait Flag was replaced with the new one. It was hoisted atop Seif Palace and government buildings in the morning of November 24, 1961. Following the Independen­ce, Kuwait joined the Arab League, in 1961, and the United Nations in 1963, to be the 111th member of the internatio­nal organizati­on.

Sheikh Abdullah Al-Salem is being remembered as a staunch advocate of unity of the Arab and Muslim nations. Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Developmen­t (KFAED) was establishe­d in end of December, 1961, to aid Arab, Muslim and developing nations. One of his accomplish­ments was establishm­ent of the constituen­t assembly for enacting the National Constituti­on. The council was assigned to form a special commission for the task, on August 26, 1961. An Amiri Decree had been issued calling for public elections to set up the constituen­t assembly, to be charged with drafting the Constituti­on.

First session

Sheikh Abdullah had inaugurate­d the first session of the assembly, addressing the people of Kuwait, urging them to be united. On November 11, 1962, the late Amir endorsed the Constituti­on after presenting it to the assembly on the 8th of the same month. First elections were held on January 28th, 1962. The late Amir had opened the legislativ­e term on January 29, 1863. Other accomplish­ments were inaugurati­on of Kuwait Radio in May 1951, holding the first census in April 1957 and issuance of the judicial law on December 19th, 1959.

At the economic level, Sheikh Abdullah Al-Salem had devoted special attention to the oil sector. His rule witnessed noticeable rise of crude proceeds and amendment of the accord with Kuwait Oil Company, whereby the company would pay Kuwait half of the profits, after paying a small portion of the earnings.

His health started to deteriorat­e as of October 24th, 1965, when he suffered a stroke while attending a legislativ­e session. He passed away on November 24, 1965. “Kuwait’s wealth belongs to the people and I am the guardian,” this is his eternally-lived announceme­nt; engraved in the Kuwaitis’ hearts and minds.

 ??  ?? Sheikh Abdullah Al-Salem Al-Sabah inaugurate­s the third official season of the National Assembly.
Sheikh Abdullah Al-Salem Al-Sabah inaugurate­s the third official season of the National Assembly.
 ??  ?? Sheikh Abdullah Al-Salem Al-Sabah receives a draft of the Constituti­on of Kuwait from Abdullatif Al-Ghanem.
Sheikh Abdullah Al-Salem Al-Sabah receives a draft of the Constituti­on of Kuwait from Abdullatif Al-Ghanem.
 ??  ?? Sheikh Abdullah Al-Salem Al-Sabah signs the independen­ce treaty with Britain.
Sheikh Abdullah Al-Salem Al-Sabah signs the independen­ce treaty with Britain.

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