Kuwait Times

The justifiers

- By Ahmad Al-Sarraf

Among the least logical comments in justifying the criminal act that took place in the French capital, is when some people tried to link it to the crimes of the French “occupation” of Algeria and other countries. Accepting this excuse or justificat­ion means accepting the attack of any society or country on another, so that we all live in a whirlpool of revenge acts that remind us of the tribal or family vendetta stories between one group or another, that may continue for many long years.

It is difficult to find a society or a state that was not attacked by another state or group, or being at one stage of history the aggressor against others, so the Spanish have the right to invade us and occupy our countries, because we previously invaded them and occupied their lands for a 1,000 years, before nearly 1,000 years!

Although many people, including extreme ones in their stand towards the West, condemned the terrorist act in Paris, most of them, as our colleague Saad bin Tefla had said in a column published in Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper, followed the condemnati­on with the word “but”... but France started the attack against our countries and holy places! Or saying that Daesh does not represent Islam or Muslims, or those actions are committed by a stray group!

These justifiers do not realize that others have the same right to use the same justificat­ions and attack us in the heart of our homes. The colleague said the humanitari­an and moral duty requires us to condemn the bloody random killings that target innocent people with moral comprehens­iveness that does not know selectiven­ess or the “buts”, and this is a condemnati­on or a humanitari­an motive that sympathize­s with the human being in any place and of any nationalit­y, religion or color, and anything else is not a condemnati­on, rather an insult to the victims and innocents who fall to terrorism operations anywhere.

The condemnati­on stand is an absolute moral one that is not tied to France’s official stands, nor is it linked to the degree of others ethics - it is a basic stand that does not know how to exclude the innocent, and does not use the “but” with this victim or that.

Can we use “but” when innocents fall randomly in Paris, because colonial France committed war crimes in its colonies in the past? And to what extent in history we will go back with our vendetta mentality against others?! How does this vendetta mentality differ from the Daesh mentality which is demanding to fight will all those on earth until they bow to their caliphate, become Muslims and pledge loyalty to their caliph, or pay “jizya”?

We say that it is regretful that many of those who cheated others with what they give themselves in the form of scientific descriptio­ns, to which they point with alphabets that precede their names, and sign their columns, topped the list of those justifiers, who would not have done this if it was not for the religious and partisan blindness that kept them from seeing the truth.

Yet there remains the puzzling question: Where are those criminal killers from Israel, for example?

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