Kuwait Times

Gangs and states

- By Yousif Al-Jassim

When, thanks be to Allah, and under Germany’s leadership, European countries revolted and opened doors to Syrian refugees to accommodat­e and feed them after fleeing hell in their distressed country and the entire afflicted Arab world, the IS terrorist group came to repay and reward Europe for its humane actions through brutal attacks in France on Friday, Nov 13.

The chaos created by those internatio­nal terrorism gangs’ attacks goes beyond bloody violence, decapitati­on, burning people alive and killing innocent people. It even goes as far as creating inter-religion and intercultu­ral conflicts under religious slogans using Almighty Allah’s name and that of the holy Prophet (PBUH), taking the Holy Quran as forefront and timing the terrorist attacks and killings to happen on a Friday, Muslims’ holy day, to only defame Islam and widen the gap between Muslims and other nations.

It is very tragic and incomprehe­nsible that gangs take over countries or parts of them and then start selling its oil and resources to fund administer­ing the territorie­s they occupy. They provoke world armies to fight them in the long term and expensive guerrilla wars which distract the UN and major, medium and minor countries from humane missions and have them use all their armed forces and intelligen­t potentials in vicious wars against those gangs. They all stumble and find themselves dealing with cancerlike groups that are incurable by vaccines or radioactiv­e medicine. They start multiplyin­g everywhere, killing those infected while swarms of doctors stand helpless and incapable of surgically removing them.

This absurd tragedy was manifested most in states fighting terrorist organizati­ons like Al-Qaeda and its octopus-like branches and sleeper cells worldwide, and led by the US and all its allies with all their might and potentials. Finally, this mystery of IS, that is being fought by the mightiest internatio­nal coalitions without achieving any victory, remains unperceiva­ble, because the noses of those terrorists seem to be still floating above the water’s surface and are breathing. All the wars waged against them seem incapable to destroy and sink them. Major and minor countries have failed to contain their danger and avoid their sudden terrorist attacks anywhere. They keep creating more hatred between Arabs, Muslims and other nations.

It is really a painful scene and calls for many inquiries such as how long can this disgracefu­l farce of terrorist gangs’ domination over our Arab and Muslim countries go on? How long will they be able to carry on with vicious agendas of destroying all bridges of tolerance and communicat­ion between the West and Muslims and even amongst Muslims themselves, while nobody seems to be able to stop them?

What is the lifeline keeping those gangs alive so far? Who purchases their oil exports? Who sells them weapons and WMDs? Such questions will remain unanswered in a less secure world that turned into a main target for cancerous gangs capable of resisting all remedies. However, internatio­nal reactions to the recent Paris attacks might answer them and turn over this dreadful leaf of human history for good.

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