Kuwait Times

An ethical way to choose which kids get chemo during a shortage?


NEW YORK: When chemothera­py is in short supply, doctors should choose kids to receive treatment based on which patients have the best odds of being cured by the drugs, argues a group of oncologist­s. Shortages of life-saving cancer medicines for children are frequent and can complicate typical treatment protocols, creating substantia­l ethical challenges, the doctors write in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute. “Curability, prognosis, and the incrementa­l importance of a particular drug to a given patient’s outcome are the critical factors to consider when deciding how to allocate scarce life-saving drugs,” Dr Yoram Unguru of Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore and colleagues write in the commentary.

While shortages may occur for a variety of reasons, they are particular­ly common for generic injected medicines and happen frequently in the US, the authors note. There are about 265 drugs currently in short supply in the US, down from a peak of 320 as of September 2014. The first response to a shortage should be to maximize efficiency and minimize waste in using available supplies, the authors argue. After that, when there is no longer enough medicine to go around, clinicians should consider curability based on evidence that points to survival odds, taking into account how well a medicine works for a particular tumor type as well as individual patient characteri­stics.

Doctors might, for example, consider skipping one drug in short supply when there is another widely available medicine that could produce similar survival odds, even if the alternativ­e drug doesn’t necessaril­y offer children as much time before symptoms worsen. When the chances of survival are widely different, it may be clear-cut to give the child with better odds the medicine. But when survival odds are similar, for instance the difference between 70 percent and 80 percent, this is no longer an ideal way to ration scare chemothera­py, argue the authors, who declined to be interviewe­d. Tumor type also matters.

Larger quantities

For example, if injectable methotrexa­te is in short supply, it makes more sense to prioritize children with acute lymphoblas­tic leukemia (ALL) over kids with bone malignanci­es known as osteosarco­ma because more evidence points to the effectiven­ess of this drug for ALL, the authors argue. Phase of treatment is important, too. A child recently diagnosed with ALL, for example, may have a larger disease burden and a greater need for chemothera­py than another kid who has already been in treatment for a while and is taking medicine to help prevent tumors from returning. In addition, kids who need only a small amount of medicine for a course of treatment might get priority over children who would need larger quantities, the authors suggest. Clinicians should consider this ethical framework for rationing scarce cancer drugs in the absence of a nationwide policy spelling out the best way to dole out chemothera­py during a shortage, the authors conclude. — Reuters

 ??  ?? Entebbe, Uganda : A picture shows a sign post in the Ziika forest in Uganda.
Entebbe, Uganda : A picture shows a sign post in the Ziika forest in Uganda.

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