Kuwait Times

The era of major mistakes

- By Qais Al-Usta

Iheard many demands from citizens not to selfpunish and not to look at the past, look forward and continue with financial and administra­tive reforms that contribute to diversifyi­ng sources of income and end total dependence on oil. I also heard that lifting subsidies, even partially, is not the magical solution, but it contribute­s to rationaliz­ing consumptio­n at the end, which leads to the rationaliz­ing policy the state is following.

We heard about knives that will be over the heads and will not exclude anyone. But as a citizen, I want to hear about the era of major mistakes, and why government­s and assemblies at that time did not make legislatio­ns for and not invest the huge financial surplus that we saw since 2003 until last year, and where did this money go?

I want to hear for example, from Kuwait Airways how it will operate the Boeing 777 aircrafts which it will start receiving in June. Is there a feasibilit­y study for routes such as Australia, Canada, Japan, China or Brazil, bearing in mind that these planes can fly for 17 hours non-stop? And if these planes are going to be used for short routes, then why did not we buy less costly planes and saved KD 2 billion in public funds?!

I want to hear why did the idea of the Gulf railway start in Kuwait, and why did it stop in Kuwait? And are 29 farms, or rather their owners, the problem? I want to hear why the discussion over the Eurofighte­r deal and the new airport project disappeare­d?

Yes, we do not want to self-punish, and want realistic solutions to reform the economic situation, but is it required to bury our heads in the sand at the same time so we can be good, happy and love you? Is it required that we depend on a team that got us in trouble before? Just a question.

Was the message delivered? I hope so.

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