Kuwait Times

Kimberly Wyatt’s acne almost cost her place in Pussycat Dolls


The 34-year-old singer admitted she felt a “pressure” to look good when she first moved to Los Angeles, and lost all her confidence when she developed the skin condition. She said: “The pressure to look good intensifie­d when I moved to LA and I got horrendous cystic acne. It was the start of the Pussycat Dolls - it crushed my confidence and nearly cost me a place in the band.” But it wasn’t just her pop star days that Kimberly found tough. She said: “I was picked on when I was younger for having a flat chest - the kids would rub a wall and go, ‘Oh, Kimberly!’ I was never the pretty girl. “I had weight problems when I worked on cruise ships. When my costumes didn’t fit during the quick changes, I had to be weighed every week.” Kimberly - who has 15-month-old daughter Willow with husband Max Rogers - overcame her skin problem by changing her diet, and now makes exercise and stress management a priority in her life. She said: “I tried medicine, but nothing worked so I changed the food that I ate. I realized that stress is the biggest part of any kind of ailment so managing that became my focus. I got into fitness, spent time outdoors and wrote a journal. “Yes [I have days when I lack confidence] but I make sure I eat healthily or exercise with Max - he’s always a good confidence booster. I came into my own as a woman when I met him. He made me feel beautiful in a way I’d never felt before and encourages me to get fit. He’ll also take over the baby shifts so I can work out.”

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