Kuwait Times



Aries (March 21-April 19)

Intensity rules! Colors are bright, images sharp and the music you hear today promotes new energies in you. Emotions run deep, especially with members of the opposite sex. Previously bland relationsh­ips could border on love or hate. You can control this-so enjoy the good parts now. You are a mentor to others with your sweet countenanc­e and the patient ways in which you treat others. Your circle of friends will enlarge and enhance your life. You have been meeting people from all walks of life, who will help you in a variety of ways. These new people that come into your life now are creative, visionary thinkers and they also have a strong sense of social responsibl­y. Enjoy

the celebratio­ns for today.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Your creativity level is easy to find. You have great ideas for sweeping improvemen­ts, but you could run up against a bit of competitio­n-which just encourages you more. Flexibilit­y is probably going to be your best friend. The road to happiness is always under constructi­on and you can consider this just one of those constructi­on days. Fondness and appreciati­on for the past and for your roots in life take on greater importance now. Making your home situation more pleasant and attractive plays a part in this and the sale or purchase of real estate could bring you much gain. Emotional security, a sense of belonging and encouragem­ent are felt instinctiv­ely now. You want roots; you crave a sense of intimate connection that will last.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Sometimes you may feel you are not up to the demands on your brain but remember how you personally seek the challenges that help you to succeed and advance in wisdom. There will soon be a time when you will become more confident of your decision making. Stick with the projects of today and you will be most pleased with the results. Your heightened sensitivit­y will help you find the answers you need-listen carefully to your hunches. You can pass the afternoon successful­ly through good deeds. A lover or child who is bright and articulate plays a bigger role in your life and you should include this person to help with your good deeds. Repairs and cleaning are in order later today. Tonight is a good time to examine and think about future goals.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

This is a good day, with lots of interest and ambition. You might consider starting a new project or pushing forward with a cleanup job that is in limbo. You may enjoy a sense of creating your own opportunit­ies. Someone older may be a motivating force. After the chores, grab a friend or a family member and take a break, perhaps a drive to the country. Happiness is like a potato salad-when shared with others, it’s a picnic. Expressing affections should come easily and can do much good for your dispositio­n. You will most likely be full of fervor and ready to take on the world. The integratio­n of your creative interests with a friend’s or partner’s practicali­ty could prove most rewarding. Take a walk with your honey after dinner tonight.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

You will find a constructi­ve outlet for your energy today but not without a little forethough­t. Try engaging in vigorous activities to jar the negative loose. You should be making notable progress over what you have learned for the past two years regarding puzzling situations. In the workplace, until the last week of may, you will be working more on your future goals. Timing is everything now. Your birthday sign shows that luck is in your path regarding advancemen­t in the workplace and the opportunit­y will present itself several times this spring. If you are not working today, it is a good time to write out just what you are wanting in your future; picture the outcome and then think about three things you can do now to move you in that direction.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

There is a little time to relax this morning-which is rightly earned. You may enjoy the activity of young people this afternoon or run a weekend garage sale. For now, however, it is relaxation time. Ideas you have been developing need to be written down. Perhaps you are the one in the family that can write the next best selling novel. If you have not been a writer, consider taking a creative writing class. If anything, it will improve your language skills. New ways to solve any difficulti­es and turn to your own mind for creative thinking would be involved as well. If you have told a friend that you have been too busy to visit, you may find this afternoon is the time to catch up on each other’s recent activities. A movie or play might be a fun activity.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

Friends may need you to help them move or to help them in some other way. Close relationsh­ips take on emotional depth, power and importance. A child is born or a wedding shower for a family member can be enjoyed. Feeling cared for and needed is important to all of us and the lack of these things can cause an instinctiv­e feeling of uneasiness. You want others to feel good and you may notice that as you care for others, your needs are met. It is important for you to learn how to decipher the positive request from the negative request in order to keep your own self-esteem in good shape. Some of the requests for your willing helpfulnes­s could be a plea from the lazy or too needy but it gives you an opportunit­y to lend advice or teach creativity.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

A friend or co-worker may have doubts about his or her job. You could find yourself working overtime to either continue to help someone learn his or her job or make up for your own lost work time. Whatever the case, progress is good. Relating with old chums is easy and extremely pleasant later this afternoon. There could be time for a little one-on-one ball game at the health spa or the recreation center. Refreshmen­ts after a game could create opportunit­ies to make new friends and laugh with old friends. Close relationsh­ips take on a great deal of importance now. You seem to know just what a loved one is thinking or needs and you can serve that person’s needs or create a surprising­ly fun evening. People love your attention.

Sagittariu­s (November 22-December 21)

Most things will come easy today! You could experience the full blast of all sorts of positive influences. A meeting with your colleagues should easily reveal your talents in problem solving. It could be because vips can meet you at a place away from business in a relaxed atmosphere. You are able to sell them the moon. You are sensitive to others and you possess a creative talent that gives you the edge over others in business. You could be most persuasive with others, especially today when it would be easy to find fault-you have elegance and poise in your actions. Any past tensions with a loved one should be cleared up with no trouble. If nothing else, relax and unwind this evening.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

Today you may feel like focusing on the higher aspects of life-the big picture, so to speak. You may be drawn to the study of religion, philosophy or psychology. Certainly, you are drawn into conversati­ons regarding one or two of these subjects. You will have to keep these discussion­s for your noon break because you can really enjoy good thought-provoking conversati­ons. Just remember not to pontificat­e to others. This is the quickest way to lose converts. Aside from this, it should be a pleasant day of optimism and progress. You may be ready to become involved in most any adventure. However, you should avoid excessive risks. Everything seems to be working together and you may find

yourself expressive and able to communicat­e well.

Aquarius (January 20- February 18)

Even if it is one of those days when personal chores are heavy duty, it is a great time to do a little spring-cleaning. You may discover someone wants your help and a trade might be arranged. Your charisma is high, especially with neighbors and friends. A meeting could be in order with these neighbors to put together a neighborho­od yard sale. Someone may compliment you on your tastes or belongings. There is a genuine love of experienci­ng new things and you may go out of your way to schedule or get tickets to some upcoming event. Compromise is paramount in all of your choices with others. Don’t worry about things that are out of your control-indication­s point to your success. Look into

the study of zen or the art of yoga-just for fun.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Working independen­tly will pay off today. The good life and all that is fine and luxurious may be what you value just now. You could enjoy making your own way and finding solutions to whatever problems you find. There is a great love of children. If you are married you will probably be inclined to pursue romance and lovemaking in the hopes of obtaining an offspring. There is increased romantic idealism and daydreamin­g. Life should seem richer, more satisfying and more fun now because you feel a special bond with your friends and loved ones. Go out on a date with your special someone, or invite your friends over for the evening. You will make them all feel good. Have

patience, you will reach your objective soon.

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