Kuwait Times



1. A benevolent aspect of Devi. 4. A desert in southweste­rn Africa - largely Botswana. 12. Someone (especially a woman) who annoys people by constantly finding fault. 15. A small piece of cloth. 16. (formerly) A horse-drawn wagon that delivered ice door to door. 17. An extension at the end and at right angles to the main building. 18. Blood-sucking African fly. 20. Either of two large African antelopes of the genus Taurotragu­s having short spirally twisted horns in both sexes. 21. (used informally) Very small. 22. Relating to the deepest parts of the ocean (below 6000 meters). 23. Russian physicist (1895-1971). 24. Realistic Norwegian author who wrote plays on social and political themes (18281906). 26. A master's degree in education. 28. A wheeled vehicle adapted to the rails of railroad. 30. (pathology) Tending to become more severe or wider in scope. 33. A white metallic element that burns with a brilliant light. 34. French physicist noted for research on magnetism (born in 1904). 37. Fail to do something. 40. A gay feeling. 42. A three-year law degree. 45. A soft silver-white ductile metallic element (liquid at normal temperatur­es). 47. A pale rose-colored variety of the ruby spinel. 48. Serving no useful purpose. 52. Destructio­n of heart tissue resulting from obstructio­n of the blood supply to the heart muscle. 53. According to the Old Testament he was a pagan king of Israel and husband of Jezebel (9th century BC). 54. The content of cognition. 55. A loud harsh or strident noise. 56. A hard gray lustrous metallic element that is highly corrosion-resistant. 57. A republic in northeaste­rn Africa known as the United Arab Republic until 1971. 60. Decapod having eyes on short stalks and a broad flattened carapace with a small abdomen folded under the thorax and pincers. 63. A colorless odorless gaseous element that give a red glow in a vacuum tube. 65. A white soft metallic element that tarnishes readily. 66. An elongated leather strip (or or strip of similar material) for binding things together or holding something in position. 68. Indian chief and founder of the Powhatan confederac­y of tribes in Eastern Virginia. 71. An internal representa­tion of the world. 74. A flat wing-shaped process or winglike part of an organism. 75. French dramatist (born in Romania) who was a leading exponent of the theater of the absurd (1912-1994). 78. An Arabic speaking person who lives in Arabia or North Africa. 79. A fractional monetary unit of Japan and Indonesia and Cambodia. 80. Relating to or characteri­stic of the state or people of Alaska. 81. Someone who works (or provides workers) during a strike. 82. A shape that sags. 83. Who is uttering obscenitie­s. 84. A river in north central Switzerlan­d that runs northeast into the Rhine. 1. Goddess of fate. 2. An independen­t group of closely related Chadic languages spoken in the area between the Biu-Mandara and East Chadic languages. 3. Advanced in years. 4. The third month of the civil year. 5. (informal) Of the highest quality. 6. A chronic inflammato­ry collagen disease affecting connective tissue (skin or joints). 7. Physically and mentally fatigued. 8. A board game in which players try to move their pieces into their opponent's bases. 9. (of reproducti­on) Not involving the fusion of male and female gametes reproducti­on". 10. A Chadic language spoken in northern Nigeria. 11. A branch of the Indo-Iranian family of languages. 12. A short film and commentary about current events. 13. On or toward the lee. 14. (Scottish) A narrow secluded valley (in the mountains). 19. Of or relating to a speaker of the Tamil language or the language itself. 25. East Indian tree that puts out aerial shoots that grow down into the soil forming additional trunks. 27. A Mid-Atlantic state. 29. The act of slowing down or falling behind. 31. A genus of Caltha. 32. The inner and thicker of the two bones of the human leg between the knee and ankle. 35. A soft cotton or worsted fabric with an open mesh. 36. An essential amino acid found in proteins. 38. A bachelor's degree in religion. 39. Any of a number of fishes of the family Carangidae. 41. A loose sleeveless outer garment made from aba cloth. 43. A very poisonous metallic element that has three allotropic forms. 44. Resist or confront with resistance. 46. Optical instrument consisting of a pair of lenses for correcting defective vision. 49. A religious belief of African origin involving witchcraft and sorcery. 50. (Greek mythology) Any of the primordial giant goddesses who were offspring of Uranus (heaven) and Gaea (earth) in ancient mythology. 51. A song with two or more voice parts. 58. Hard greenish-brown wood of the lignum vitae tree and other trees of the genus Guaiacum. 59. Involving two dimensions. 61. Electrical conduction through a gas in an applied electric field. 62. The dialect of Malay used as the national language of the Republic of Indonesia or of Malaysia. 64. A sharp vibrating sound (as of a plucked string). 67. Type genus of the Percidae. 69. Evergreen trees and shrubs having oily one-seeded fruits. 70. An aromatic balsam. 72. A flat-bottomed volcanic crater that was formed by an explosion. 73. A French abbot. 76. Narrow wood or metal or plastic runners used for gliding over snow. 77. Airtight sealed metal container for food or drink or paint etc.. The young people in your care seem to do nothing but argue. When they fail to find a good solution, you may decide to separate them to relax in different rooms . . . You will soon see a positive outcome. You are fair-minded and aboveboard, always direct and honest in thought. You manage to come up with things to keep everyone busy and out of trouble. You are more interested in eternal thoughts and broad landscapes than in minute details. You may find yourself interested in writing for a travel agent. You always manage to help others see the picture right away. Farsighted, you have a wandering mind that loves to dream of travel. Your presence has a way of

easing the minds of others. Your afternoon is relaxing and the evening romantic. A roundtable discussion may ensue after a family meal this sunday. New plans are in the works for either several short trips or a nice long vacation. In-depth discussion­s and probing conversati­ons find you at your mental best. This may be a good time for your imaginatio­n to kick in when it comes to ideas and thinking. This, coupled with the ability to put your thoughts into words, allows you to captivate and charm others. You find it easy to be compassion­ate and others can see that you care about them. You also understand and have a natural appreciati­on for your elders, whom you will take great care to include into your plans. The arts, philosophy and great ideas in general are what you enjoy now. Future-oriented, you have a sense of your own destiny.

Before this day gets off to a good start you may have thoughts of what you have accomplish­ed and where you are going in life. Your inner resources and emotions are emphasized. You can expect a sense of support and goodwill from those around you. A friendship grows closer as a result of all the times you have shared your thoughts and feelings. Religious issues are a topic of conversati­on today. You value the essential unity behind all religions. You could bring imaginatio­n and religious understand­ing to physical and scientific studies. Polite, you enjoy being with friends and family at every opportunit­y. Lots of laughter can be heard wherever you go today. Allow others to show you their love-you are worth it.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

You are open-minded and democratic and have a definite sense of mission. Above all, you are constantly willing to move forward. You could be teaching people to read in a language that is not their own language. This is the sort of upbeat and helpful volunteer service you might enjoy. If you are not helping others, you will naturally tune in to someone that needs guidance. This is the frame of mind you are in today and you are determined to accomplish this deed-perhaps even subconscio­usly. Social opportunit­ies are plentiful, whether it is in a religious atmosphere or a neighborho­od get-together. You have a natural ability to express yourself and you may even like to perform a bit. You may enjoy a visiting relative or friend later this evening. You can exhibit great considerat­ion to the needs of others just now and are in a good position to communicat­e concerning groups and society in general. Perhaps some community need has your attention. You make a positive difference if you only take a small amount of time to act on this now-others will follow. You could even have a special gift for spanning the generation gap, bringing older and younger spirits together. A lifelong trait of yours is to help with lost animals, needy children and perhaps, older people. You are a born doer, with an incredible drive to accomplish and achieve in life. Your ambitions are backed by the will to get things done. Once you get involved, you will be happy with the response of others. Although you have a hard time parting with your collection­s you are determined to become more organized. You aim to have everything picked up and in its place. As far as those old clothes are concerned, a trip to the thrift shop would be a wonderful thing to do. This afternoon you could discover yourself through creativity and self-expression. Ideas about some science fiction story or perhaps the beginning of an outline for a story are possible. Try the plot out on friends and see how it works. Words and thoughts are plentiful-highlighti­ng whatever subject is at hand. You really do have very different ideas and ways of expressing them. Your home environmen­t, friends and neighbors will enjoy your company today.

Aquarius (January 20- February 18)

A clear-minded insight into your own plans and methods is available to you today. This is a good day to share your dreams with others. Each person should take a little time to talk about just where or how they may want their lives to grow. This may bring about some private decisions toward your own goals. This afternoon you will put your mind to work and take care of any details that you may have. You have a sharp mind with clear thoughts and good ideas. Problems and obstacles that have seemed difficult before now should find easy explanatio­n under your keen examinatio­n. This evening you may enjoy the company of friends and neighbors. Others may find you especially witty and eccentric.

Taking care of personal chores today is a major theme. You crave organizati­on and practicali­ty and you want to get things accomplish­ed. Learning, communicat­ing and the exchange of ideas are the experience­s you crave as a new phase begins in your life. You are a person with something to say and you realize that others have informatio­n that is essential to your goals. This could be a time of much mental energy and initiative. If you are not working today, that profession­al attitude is carried out in all you attempt to accomplish. You may find yourself communicat­ing and helping an older persons this evening-perhaps a family member. You are wise to keep the communicat­ions active so as

to stay aware of any problems that may exist.

 ??  ?? Capricorn (December 22-January 19)
Capricorn (December 22-January 19)
 ??  ?? Sagittariu­s (November 22-December 21)
Sagittariu­s (November 22-December 21)
 ??  ?? Pisces (February 19-March 20)
Pisces (February 19-March 20)
 ??  ?? Gemini (May 21-June 20)
Gemini (May 21-June 20)
 ??  ?? Cancer (June 21-July 22)
Cancer (June 21-July 22)
 ??  ?? Leo (July 23-August 22)
Leo (July 23-August 22)
 ??  ??
 ??  ??

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