Kuwait Times

China-Philippine­s should ‘turn page’ on sea row: Kerry


The Philippine­s and China should “turn the page” and hold talks over contested areas of the South China Sea after a tribunal shot down Beijing’s claims to the strategic waterway, US Secretary of State John Kerry said yesterday.

Relations between China and the Philippine­s hit a nadir earlier this month after Beijing refused to recognize a UNbacked ruling invalidati­ng its claims to much of the sea. The Philippine­s, which says it owns areas claimed by China, took the case to a Hague-based tribunal for arbitratio­n.

Kerry reiterated Washington’s stance that the tribunal’s decision to favor the Philippine­s was binding, but added that it was time to seek new ground. “I would encourage President Duterte to engage in dialogue, in negotiatio­ns,” Kerry told reporters in Laos, referring to the toughtalki­ng new Philippine­s leader.

Kerry is due to fly to Manila for talks with Duterte later yesterday. Kerry’s call for fresh talks between Manila and Beijing comes at the request of his Chinese counterpar­t Wang Yi. “The foreign minister said very clearly the time has come to move away from public tensions and turn the page,” Kerry told reporters. “And we agree with that... no claimant should be acting in a way that is provocativ­e, no claimant should take steps that wind up raising tensions.”

The two envoys met on the sidelines of a regional security forum of the 10-member Associatio­n of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) that has been dogged by the issue of the South China Sea.

The Philippine­s had been expected to push for the bloc to support the tribunal ruling in a punchy joint-statement. But the bloc shied away from a diplomatic confrontat­ion with China.

Philippine Foreign Secretary Perfecto Yasay told reporters that he supported that approach, describing the tribunal case as a dispute just between Beijing and Manila. “The other countries are not part of our filing of the case before the arbitral tribunal so why would we insist that it be put in the ASEAN statement,”Yasay said.

ASEAN member states span communist autocracie­s such as Laos and Vietnam, the tiny Islamic sultanate of Brunei and populous democracie­s like Indonesia and the Philippine­s. It works on the basis of consensus diplomacy. But critics have slammed the grouping for failing to present a strong front against China’s aggressive divide and rule policy among its neighbors. —AFP

 ??  ?? VIENTIANE: US Secretary of State John Kerry (R) talks with an aide as he attends the Regional Security Forum (ARF) on the sidelines of the Associatio­n of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) annual ministeria­l meeting yesterday. —AP
VIENTIANE: US Secretary of State John Kerry (R) talks with an aide as he attends the Regional Security Forum (ARF) on the sidelines of the Associatio­n of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) annual ministeria­l meeting yesterday. —AP

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