Kuwait Times



1. Thickening of tissue in the motor tracts of the lateral columns and anterior horns of the spinal cord. 4. A member of a North American people formerly living in the Colorado river valley in Arizona. 11. (computer science) A kind of computer architectu­re that has a large number of instructio­ns hard coded into the cpu chip. 15. A very small circular shape. 16. Lasting through all time. 17. South American armadillo with three bands of bony plates. 18. (informal) Of the highest quality. 19. Any of various rich and elaborate cakes. 21. A Russian prison camp for political prisoners. 23. Bone linking the scapula and sternum. 25. (computer science) A system of worldwide electronic communicat­ion in which a computer user can compose a message at one terminal that is generated at the recipient's terminal when he logs in. 26. A person who makes deceitful pretenses. 28. A unit of weight used in east Asia approximat­ely equal to 1.3 ounces. 29. A brittle gray crystallin­e element that is a semiconduc­ting metalloid (resembling silicon) used in transistor­s. 30. The face veil worn by Muslim women. 32. Showing characteri­stics of age, especially having gray or white hair. 37. An official prosecutor for a judicial district. 40. Surpassing what is common or usual or expected. 44. An Indian side dish of yogurt and chopped cucumbers and spices. 45. A thin tapered rod used by a conductor to direct an orchestra. 49. A Turkish unit of weight equal to about 2.75 pounds. 50. A nonstandar­d form of American English spoken by some American Black people. 51. A white soft metallic element that tarnishes readily. 52. Fairly small terrestria­l ferns of tropical America. 55. (Islam) The man who leads prayers in a mosque. 56. (in Gnosticism) A divine power or nature emanating from the Supreme Being and playing various roles in the operation of the universe. 58. A room equipped with toilet facilities. 59. Someone who is morally reprehensi­ble. 61. Straggling shrub with narrow leaves and conspicuou­s red flowers in dense globular racemes. 68. (botany) Of or relating to the axil. 69. Small genus of mediterran­ean shrubs. 72. A native American tent. 73. A shop selling delicatess­en (as salads or cooked meats). 74. A member of a widespread group of Amerindian­s living in northeaste­rn South America. 75. A branch of the Tai languages. 76. A detailed descriptio­n of design criteria for a piece of work. 77. South American plant cultivated for its large fragrant trumpet-shaped flowers. 78. Type genus of the Alcidae comprising solely the razorbill.


1. A condensed but memorable saying embodying some important fact of experience that is taken as true by many people. 2. Someone (physician or clergyman) who substitute­s temporaril­y for another member of the same profession. 3. An ancient upright stone slab bearing markings. 4. Causing to move repeatedly from side to side. 5. Title for a civil or military leader (especially in Turkey). 6. A pause during which things are calm or activities are diminished. 7. Fermented alcoholic beverage similar to but heavier than beer. 8. The grasses. 9. A toroidal shape. 10. A class of proteins produced in lymph tissue in vertebrate­s and that function as antibodies in the immune response. 11. A member of the Taracahiti­an people of central Mexico. 12. A medicinal drug used to evoke vomiting (especially in cases of drug overdose or poisoning). 13. Dark somewhat brownish black n 1. 14. A wicker basket used by anglers to hold fish. 20. Broadcasti­ng visual images of stationary or moving objects. 22. A long plume (especially one of egret feathers) worn on a hat or a piece of jewelry in the shape of a plume. 24. A condition (mostly in boys) characteri­zed by behavioral and learning disorders. 27. Of or relating to syllables. 31. (informal) Roused to anger. 33. Port city on southern Honshu on Osaka Bay. 34. Relating to or having the characteri­stics of bees. 35. The branch of computer science that deal with writing computer programs that can solve problems creatively. 36. A very young child (birth to 1 year) who has not yet begun to walk or talk. 38. An expression of greeting. 39. Wood of a pecan tree. 41. A warning against certain acts. 42. A gland in which gametes (sex cells) are produced. 43. A soft silvery metallic element of the alkali earth group. 46. Weapon consisting of a fighting ax. 47. Game in which matchstick­s are arranged in rows and players alternatel­y remove one or more of them. 48. The wife or widow of a czar. 53. King of the Visigoths who captured Rome in 410 (370-410). 54. Evergreen Indian shrub with vivid yellow flowers whose bark is used in tanning. 57. The act of detecting something. 60. A heavy brittle metallic element of the platinum group. 62. A city in northweste­rn Syria. 63. A rapid series of short loud sounds (as might be heard with a stethoscop­e in some types of respirator­y disorders). 64. Queen of the Olympian gods in ancient Greek mythology. 65. The basic unit of money in Bangladesh. 66. An organizati­on of countries formed in 1961 to agree on a common policy for the sale of petroleum. 67. African tree with edible yellow fruit resembling mangos. 70. Of or relating to or characteri­stic of Thailand of its people. 71. An enzyme that catalyzes the oxidation of many body compounds (e.g., epinephrin­e and norepineph­rine and serotonin). You seem to shine when it comes to practical matters or those involving work and career. You have an easy way with superiors or those in authority and can always manage to get the most out of any skill or ability you have. You like work and career. This day should go along fairly well. You can demonstrat­e great understand­ing and sensitivit­y about the needs of others and may find one or two people drift your way in hopes of finding insight to their own problems. You are understand­ing and are in a good position to communicat­e ideas and suggestion­s to others. Close relationsh­ips, whether they are from a working situation or from your personal life, tend to make you

feel optimistic. There is an opportunit­y to share your support today. You listen and express your thoughts well and there is a healthy amount of interactio­n between co-workers. Learning what makes people tick is a pastime you seem to enjoy, not necessaril­y to pry, but for lessons and a feeling of universali­ty. The people you come to know enjoy your company and the mental zaps you offer. It doesn’t take too long before you are hard at work however, as you take great pride in what you can accomplish. Time and space afford you the time to progress. A couple of projects you have been trying to close become completed today. This may mean that funding is accepted or someone adopts an animal or a company customer decides to double his or her order. Tonight you show your appreciati­on to your housemates­s.

You will want to wait until after the middle of next month to make any firm job moves or investment­s. You could regret any big changes that are not clearly considered first. Knowing that business offers are few and far between, it would still be good to take reasonable time in thinking through your answer-particular­ly if someone is pushing you to give an answer quickly. Both your personal growth and your career may depend on how you can handle some very sensitive material. You will often benefit from analytical insights. Take a little time out this afternoon from all this thinking and celebrate what this day is really all about . . . You! Co-workers may want to take you out to lunch or dinner. Surprises happen.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

Perhaps this is a day for employee review. Whatever the case, it seems a good day for checking your work and taking on an attentiven­ess as to the next step up the profession­al ladder. You can come across to others in a very strong and confident way. You have a take-charge sort of manner. You are a great doer and others accept your commanding nature. You are also a good team player. Today, you may have the feeling that the past has been a classroom that will ready you for the successful years ahead. You can achieve and soar beyond all you had considered for your life. A new love is likely to be introduced to you soon. A new method of healing is of interest to you and you may attract a friend’s interest and decide to attend a seminar together. The progress you have made with regard to your ability to get along with negative people has been most obvious, yet sincere! You help to teach others to look at the real culprit, which is fear. You are a born doer, with an extraordin­ary drive to accomplish and achieve in life. Your ambitions are followed with the will to get things done. You try hard and you always push on toward whatever goals you have in mind. Being more in touch with your emotional roots is a keynote of a new cycle that takes hold in your life. You have a strong focus on family life-parents, children, relatives and the whole domestic scene. You are likely to want to build a better foundation by looking for good investment­s; real estate becomes more important now. You feel a love of order and law-an appreciati­on for responsibi­lities and duty. Problems are valued for the lessons they represent. This is a good day to solve problems and make important decisions. You will find a way around most any obstacle and are in control and able to guide yourself with ease. You are not one to show concern over property and possession­s; however, today you may be talking to co-workers and decide that they may have some good ideas with regard to safeguardi­ng family possession­s. Your life is marked by a greater involvemen­t with friends and groups who share some of your ideals. Talking together may bring about some future plans. A loved one is an imaginativ­e one this evening.

Aquarius (January 20- February 18)

Your day consists of helping others. You will discover new ways to communicat­e that will make conversati­ons and interactio­ns go well. This may mean some sort of hearing difficulty that gets better or a sign language technique that is created. Perhaps you and a friend are in a library. An informativ­e dialogue with an older person is constructi­ve. There may be a new way to help the older person communicat­e after a stroke or after some other physical difficulty. Later today you may decide to shop a bit for yourself. You are motivated to improve your physical appearance. A spa, exercise group, diet choices, hair color or new clothes may be in your plans this coming weekend. A sibling or friend may enjoy joining you for part of the adventure.

When it comes to profession­al developmen­t, you may find that you and your co-workers are doing much better than last year. There may be awards or rewards for your efforts. Now is a good time to find ways to take more time away from the workplace, particular­ly in order to celebrate the art of living wisely. As the saying goes, “all work and no play, makes jack a dull boy.” your many responsibi­lities and obligation­s may keep you away from those that would offer you much-needed support, but today you will enjoy the praise. One part of your life is ending now and new areas are opening up for you. Travel, good health, more money, new people and many other things will help

you to open up and be more of that free spirit you like to be.

 ??  ?? ACROSS
 ??  ?? Capricorn (December 22-January 19)
Capricorn (December 22-January 19)
 ??  ?? Sagittariu­s (November 22-December 21)
Sagittariu­s (November 22-December 21)
 ??  ?? Pisces (February 19-March 20)
Pisces (February 19-March 20)
 ??  ?? Gemini (May 21-June 20)
Gemini (May 21-June 20)
 ??  ?? Cancer (June 21-July 22)
Cancer (June 21-July 22)
 ??  ?? Leo (July 23-August 22)
Leo (July 23-August 22)
 ??  ??
 ??  ??

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