Kuwait Times

Millennial­s lead private media opening in Communist Cuba

Outlets spark debate about role of media


HAVANA: A handful of independen­t, Web-based news outlets in Cuba are chipping away at the Communist-run island’s half-century state media monopoly, challengin­g the official version of reality. While low levels of Internet access across the Caribbean island limits the outlets’ domestic reach and they are not fully free to speak their mind, they are opening up the range of voices and sparking a debate about the role of the media in the one-party state.

“State media talks about things no one cares about and hides the truth,” said Abraham Jimenez, 27, who colaunched the online, long-form magazine “El Estornudo” (The Sneeze) in March with a group of friends. “The Sneeze was something of a reaction to this context. We want to tell the truth.” While the Cuban constituti­on forbids privately-owned mass media and there are no independen­t newspaper printing presses in the country, web-based outlets have so far been tolerated as long as they are not “counter-revolution­ary”, a nebulous term generally used against those the government accuses of trying to undermine it.

President Raul Castro’s government blocks Internet access to dissident media, such as the country’s most famous blogger Yoani Sanchez, as well as stridently anti-Castro, Miami-based outlets. The new outlets, mainly run by millennial­s, have distanced themselves from dissident groups. Although they are often are highly critical of government policy and describe in detail everyday hardships, they are not calling for an end to Cuba’s socialist project.

Jimenez says his grandfathe­r worked as a guard for revolution­ary icon Ernesto “Che” Guevara. He does not consider himself a dissident and says his criticism is not to achieve political goals, but to present a realistic and balanced view of Cuba. “If you never talk about a country’s good things, that’s also not journalism,” he said. The new openness is emblematic of a wider, albeit cautious, reform program under Raul Castro, who has allowed Cubans to purchase cellphones and laptops, installed 200 Wi-Fi hotspots across the country and even fostered a small private sector.

For some, the mere fact a debate about the role of the media is taking place is a sea change. “In the Cuba I grew up in, that debate would never have existed,” said Hugo Cancio, founder of media platform OnCuba who says he moved to the United States 35 years ago after being expelled from school for making a joke about revolution­ary leader Fidel Castro. The new tolerance may not last. The Communist Party newspaper Granma has published a series of increasing­ly angry attacks calling for restrictio­ns on the new competitor­s, who have lured away some of its journalist­s by offering higher salaries and more freedom. The critics link the new media to US government financed outlets such as Miamibased opposition Radio Marti and Television Marti that seek to undermine the Cuban government. — Reuters

 ??  ?? HAVANA: Cuba’s President Raul Castro (left) escorts Mongolia’s President Tsakhiagii­n Elbegdorj as they inspect the honor guard at Revolution Palace on Thursday.
HAVANA: Cuba’s President Raul Castro (left) escorts Mongolia’s President Tsakhiagii­n Elbegdorj as they inspect the honor guard at Revolution Palace on Thursday.

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