Kuwait Times

Amid tighter race, Clinton and Trump trade barbs over health


Hillary Clinton returned to campaignin­g without offering apologies for keeping her pneumonia a secret, focusing on criticizin­g opponent Donald Trump instead of how she handled her health problem and the three-day rest ordered by her doctor.

To the strains of James Brown’s “I Feel Good,” the Democratic presidenti­al candidate returned to the campaign trail Thursday at a rally in North Carolina. It was her first public outing since she stumbled and needed support from aides while leaving a 9/11 memorial in New York last Sunday. The episode, caught on video, was attributed to dizziness and dehydratio­n. And it led to an acknowledg­ment by the Clinton campaign that she had been diagnosed with pneumonia two days earlier. Clinton told supporters Thursday that while sitting at home this week was “pretty much the last place I wanted to be,” the time away from campaign events helped clarify how she wants to close her race against the billionair­e real estate mogul Trump. “We’re offering ideas, not insults,” she said in a jab at her Republican rival. “A plan that will make a real difference in people’s lives, not prejudice and paranoia.”

In New York, Trump laid out plans to lower taxes by $4.4 trillion over a decade and cut regulation­s, including some of those currently intended to protect the food Americans eat and the air they breathe. The Republican said his plans would bolster economic growth by at least a 3.5 percent annual rate, well above its current rate of about 2 percent. He also said his plan would create 25 million new jobs over the next 10 years a pace already being achieved.

The heart of Trump’s plan is a revised tax code, which includes a pledge that no business should pay more than 15 percent of its income in taxes, down from the current 35 percent top corporate tax rate. Few businesses now pay the full 35 percent rate, however, taking advantage instead of many deductions allowed under the existing tax code. Amid questions about both candidates’ openness regarding their health, Trump released a new letter from his doctor detailing his blood pressure, cholestero­l and medication­s. That came a day after Clinton made public a letter from her physician with similar informatio­n. Both candidates’ doctors declared them fit to serve as president.

Trump’s letter said the Republican is 6-foot-3 and 236 pounds - giving him a body mass index falling into the “overweight” range. The 70-year-old has blood pressure of 116 over 70, and his total cholestero­l is 169, his doctor says.

Clinton, 68, has blood pressure of 100 over 70, and her total cholestero­l is 189, according to her doctor. Her letter made no mention of her weight, a key part of a medical exam; nor did a similar letter released last year. Until Thursday, the only informatio­n on Trump’s health had come in a widely ridiculed letter from his doctor declaring he would be the healthiest person to ever serve as president. Before releasing the new details to the public, Trump turned over a copy to Dr. Mehmet Oz while taping an episode of Oz’s TV show. The campaigns traded barbs on the health question, with Clinton’s organizati­on mocking her opponent’s “showmanshi­p” and Trump’s campaign pointing to his stamina to endure “uninterrup­ted” the rigors of campaignin­g. With two months until Election Day, the race between Clinton and Trump is far tighter than many in both parties expected. Clinton continues to be dragged down by voters’ mistrust, but she still maintains more pathways than Trump to the 270 Electoral College votes needed to win the White House.

Medical report

 ??  ?? BRANDENBUR­G: Cranes fly at sunrise near the village of Bending in Brandenbur­g, eastern Germany, yesterday. —AFP
BRANDENBUR­G: Cranes fly at sunrise near the village of Bending in Brandenbur­g, eastern Germany, yesterday. —AFP

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