Kuwait Times

Authoritie­s deploy anti-mafia tactics for match-fixers


The police tactic of turning “foot soldiers” against their bosses in organized crime gangs is having a positive impact on tackling match-fixing in sport, an expert in the field says. Alex Inglot of Sportradar, a leading company in the prevention and detection of betting- related match-fixing, said law-enforcemen­t agencies globally were now deploying the same strategy they have used down the years for bringing to justice mafia bosses.

Inglot used the example of Wilson Raj Perumal, a Singaporea­n arrested and jailed in Finland in 2011 for fixing top-tier games there. He subsequent­ly assisted match-fixing investigat­ors and named others higher up in the scheme. “Much like historical organized crime investigat­ions, you try and catch the people towards the bottom of the pyramid and put pressure on them,” Inglot, communicat­ions director of Sportradar, told AFP on the sidelines of the Betting on Sports Conference in London.

“And hopefully like in mafia cases in the US you’re subsequent­ly trying to flip people further and further up the chain,” added Inglot, who deals with clients such as UEFA and the Asian Football Confederat­ion (AFC) Sportradar works with Europol and Australian police, for example, to share intelligen­ce to put pressure on the sports fixing mastermind­s.

“The onus is not only on Sportradar with its intelligen­ce and its reports but also the police to realize the depth of the problem and chip away at that,” said Inglot, adding that Sportradar has been involved in around 25 successful prosecutio­ns in alliance with law enforcemen­t since 2013. Matchfixin­g is a natural target for organized crime because of the amount of money involved, he said. “I think because of the developmen­t of match-fixing we’ve seen serious organized crime taking a real interest in how they can make money out of it and that’s really changed the landscape,” said Inglot.

“It’s no longer relatives trying to make a bit of extra money from finding out if someone’s injured. This is serious, serious money, when one is talking about sports betting the turnover is trillions of dollars. “It’s a significan­t problem and unless it is tackled pretty comprehens­ively it will continue to undermine the credibilit­y of sport going forward.”

Building a case

Inglot revealed that sometimes federation­s will permit fixed matches to go ahead as a price for building a successful case against offenders in the long term. “What we have seen in certain circumstan­ces is that because the federation wants to build a really strong case they find multiple instances of completed fixes are really critical for them to build a watertight case,” said Inglot.

“Inevitably what happens if the prosecutio­n goes through and is successful there are remedial measures to rectify the previous results. “It is a priority to think more long term to make a few things happen so that we can sanction this team properly. “You have to deter these clubs and to deter them you have to have successful prosecutio­ns.” Inglot says a case for having the equivalent of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) in charge of match-fixing and illegal betting does not hold mass appeal for the moment.

He cites WADA funding and conflicts of interest as examples of the challenges such a body would face. “At the moment we are talking about national initiative­s and national focuses but I think it’s only a matter of time before dots start getting joined up across borders and an informal internatio­nal network starts coming into force,” he said. “That in turn might start a real serious debate about forming that into an internatio­nal structure.”

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