Kuwait Times

Kaine accuses Trump of inciting violence against Clinton


US Democratic vice presidenti­al candidate Tim Kaine yesterday accused Donald Trump of inciting violence against Hillary Clinton after the Republican candidate said Clinton’s security detail should be disarmed given her support for tighter gun rules.

Kaine, speaking on Fox News Sunday, called Trump’s remarks irresponsi­ble. “When you look at a series of these comments that he’s making, I do believe it is an incite or at a minimum an expression of indifferen­ce to whether violence would occur,” he said.

On Friday, Trump said at a campaign rally that Clinton’s “bodyguards should drop all weapons. They should disarm.” “Take their guns away, she doesn’t want guns. Take them, let’s see what happens to her. Take their guns away, okay. It will be very dangerous,” he added.

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, a top adviser to Trump, told Fox News Sunday that Trump’s comments had been misinterpr­eted and demanded that Kaine apologize to Trump for suggesting he had a malicious intent. “Senator Kaine should be ashamed of himself for saying that Donald Trump would like to have violence perpetrate­d against Hillary Clinton but it just shows how desperate and scared the Clinton-Kaine campaign is now because this race now is a dead heat and they can’t believe it,” Christie said.

Trump’s vice presidenti­al running mate, Mike Pence, called any interpreta­tion of Trump’s Friday remarks as a call to violence “absolute nonsense.”“His comment was that if she didn’t have all that security, she’d change her attitude about the right to keep and bear arms. And I’ll bet that’s probably true,” Pence said on ABC’s “This Week. Trump was criticized by opponents last month when he suggested that gun rights activists could act to stop Clinton from nominating liberal US Supreme Court justices, a comment some interprete­d as encouragin­g a political assassinat­ion. — Reuters

 ??  ?? PORTSMOUTH, NEW HEMPSHIRE: Democratic vice presidenti­al candidate, Sen. Tim Kaine, D-Va. speaks to supporters during a campaign stop, Thursday, Sept. 15, 2016. —AP
PORTSMOUTH, NEW HEMPSHIRE: Democratic vice presidenti­al candidate, Sen. Tim Kaine, D-Va. speaks to supporters during a campaign stop, Thursday, Sept. 15, 2016. —AP

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