Kuwait Times

Turbulence at S African airline reveals govt woes


Spiraling debt, massive losses and a widely-criticized boss. For many, the problems besetting South African Airways (SAA), the state-owned national airline, are emblematic of issues roiling President Jacob Zuma’s government and fuelling unease among foreign investors. SAA is “on the brink of disaster”, Mmusi Maimane, head of the opposition Democratic Alliance (DA) party, said in a blunt summary of the situation this week.

The airline was going through “serious challenges, including governance and financial difficulti­es,” agreed Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan, who says that without government support SAA is technicall­y insolvent. Financial reports presented to parliament on Thursday-some of them two years late-paint a grim picture: in 20142015, the airline made a 4.7-billion rand ($330 million) loss. While the scale of the problem is beyond question, the cause of the rot is subject to fierce political debate.

Gordhan this month approved an applicatio­n for a loan guarantee worth 4.7 billion rand-bringing the total in state guarantees to the airline up to 19 billion rand-with a strict list of requiremen­ts. “It will not be business as usual,” said Gordhan, who is seen as engaged in a battle with Zuma over the treasury’s control of economic policy. SAA has been compelled to publish its overdue annual reports, name a chief financial officer as the position was vacant since November, close unprofitab­le routes and aggressive­ly cut costs.

Misuse of public funds?

“The primary focus of the board must be to return the airline to financial sustainabi­lity,” Gordhan said. The required measures are considerab­le, but some doubt they will be enough to turn the flounderin­g company around. The opposition alleges that SAA suffers from an ailment, which it claims, afflicts many of the country’s state-owned enterprise­s: the misuse of public funds by the ruling African National Congress (ANC).

It accuses the airline’s chairwoman Dudu Myeni of alleged incompeten­ce. Critics allege she has a close personal relationsh­ip with Zuma-a claim the president was forced to deny last yearbut that did not stop Myeni being recently reappointe­d to her post despite fierce objections. “Dudu Myeni has wrecked SAA and the cabinet decision to reappoint her as chairperso­n was irrational,” the DA claimed. The decision was also seen as a snub to Gordhan, who opposed Myeni’s reappointm­ent and who has clashed with a long list of Zuma loyalists after vowing to battle poor governance and graft.

Without naming Myeni directly, Gordhan fired back earlier this year, denouncing “individual­s” who abuse state entities “as if it’s their personal toy from which you can extract money when you feel like it”. The president, for his part, has in public tried to stay above the fray. In parliament this week, he reaffirmed his confidence in Myeni, saying “I have seen her working”, while also saying “there is no war between the presidency and the treasury”.

‘Symptom of broad problem’

The threat of an investment downgrade by ratings agencies has loomed ominously on the horizon throughout the year, and the battle for control of South Africa’s public enterprise­s has investors worried. A recent cabinet decision to entrust the president with oversight of state-owned companies-a task which has previously fallen to ministers-has done little to calm their fears. — AFP

 ??  ?? JOHANNESBU­RG: This file photo taken on May 25, 2010 shows a South African airways flight taking off as another one is parked in a bay on the tarmac at the Johannesbu­rg O.R Tambo Internatio­nal airport. — AFP
JOHANNESBU­RG: This file photo taken on May 25, 2010 shows a South African airways flight taking off as another one is parked in a bay on the tarmac at the Johannesbu­rg O.R Tambo Internatio­nal airport. — AFP

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