Kuwait Times

Syrians find German mosques too conservati­ve

‘Good Muslims grow beards, not moustaches’



Hani Salam escaped civil war in Syria and survived the journey from Egypt to Europe. But when he saw men with bushy long beards at a mosque near his current home in Cologne last November, he was worried. The men’s appearance reminded him of Jaish Al-Islam, the Islamist rebels who took over his hometown near Damascus, said Salam, 36, who wears a moustache but no beard. One of them told Salam that “good Muslims grow beards, not moustaches,” he recalled - a centuries-old idea that he dismisses. “Everything about this mosque made me feel uneasy,” he said. Syrians in Germany say many of the country’s Arab mosques are more conservati­ve than those at home.

Over two months, a dozen Syrians in six places of worship in three cities told Reuters they were uncomforta­ble with very conservati­ve messages in Arabic-speaking mosques. People have criticized the way the newcomers dress and practice their religion, they said. Some insisted the Koran be interprete­d word-for-word. It is a highly contentiou­s issue in a country where Europe’s migrant influx is already having deep political and social consequenc­es. In Germany this year Alternativ­e for Germany, a populist party that says Islam is incompatib­le with the German constituti­on, has gained ground. There have been several attacks by militant Muslims. Syrians and others say the mosque problem is adding to mistrust.

In Germany, other different faiths are traditiona­lly supported by the state. But most of the country’s four million Muslims originally came from Turkey and attend Turkish-speaking mosques which are partly funded by Ankara. Last year around 890,000 asylum-seekers, more than 70 percent of them Muslims, entered the country. Around a third came from Syria. Many of them do not want to go to Turkish mosques because they do not understand the sermons. They prefer to worship where people speak Arabic.

Yet in these mosques, other problems arise. They are often short of funds, or else supported by Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states. Some back ultra-conservati­ve or highly literal interpreta­tions of Islam, such as Wahhabism or Salafism. “Unfortunat­ely it is true that a large majority of Arabic-speaking mosques are more conservati­ve than Turkish mosques,” said Professor Mouhannad Khorchide, who heads the Centre for Islamic Theology at Muenster University. That poses problems for integratin­g those who are less conservati­ve. “How can one absorb these people if they are interested in their religion?” said Khorchide. “When there is a shortage of offers the Salafists try to fill the gap.”

‘Pure Islamic teachings’

In Cologne, Salam said that 75 Syrians live in the same hotel as his family. Of them, only one veiled woman prays at the nearest Arabic mosque. “One time when I was there, a Salafist asked a young Arab man to leave because he was wearing shorts,” he added. “At the Turkish mosque no one cares what you’re wearing.” In a windowless ground floor room inside the Arabic mosque one Friday in August, some 200 men, including about two dozen with bushy beards and trimmed moustaches typical of ultra-Orthodox Muslims, crowded for prayers.

Afterwards, a worshipper scolded three Lebanese men for saluting him when he entered the mosque. They had interrupte­d the sermon, which he said was forbidden. “Your Friday is gone!” he told them, lifting his hands toward his face and pressing his fingers together to emphasize that their actions had made their prayers void. The imam who led the prayers said the community is not political or violent. Asked about the Syrians who felt uncomforta­ble at mosques like his, he said: “It’s an honor to be called a Salafist. We are only interested in giving members of our community pure Islamic teachings.” Even though Salam can’t understand the sermons in Turkish, he said he has started going to a Turkish mosque instead. A 2008 survey of Muslims and Christians in Europe by the state-funded WZB Berlin Social Science Centre found fundamenta­list attitudes were less prevalent among German Muslims than elsewhere in Europe, but still quite widespread: For example, nearly half the Muslims it surveyed in Germany felt religious law to be more important than secular law. Germany’s domestic intelligen­ce agency has recorded more than 320 attempts by Salafist Muslims to contact refugees last year, often by offering food, clothes, free copies of the Koran and help with German to asylum seekers living in shelters. —


 ?? AFP ?? DIDYMOTEIC­HO: Adan’s family members from the Syrian city of Aleppo cross the railway as they arrive at the train station of Didymoteic­ho some 400 km North-East from Thessaloni­ki, near the Greek-Turkish border. —
AFP DIDYMOTEIC­HO: Adan’s family members from the Syrian city of Aleppo cross the railway as they arrive at the train station of Didymoteic­ho some 400 km North-East from Thessaloni­ki, near the Greek-Turkish border. —

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