Kuwait Times

Israel arrests 13 over arson

Foreign firefighte­rs help combat wildfire plague



Israeli police arrested 13 people yesterday on suspicion of arson, authoritie­s said, after massive wildfires tore through central and northern Israel, a conflagrat­ion that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu branded as “terrorism”. Firefighte­rs kept battling the flames in wooded hills around Jerusalem and in northern areas on Friday, with support from Palestinia­n firemen and emergency teams from Greece, Cyprus, Croatia, Italy, Russia and Turkey. Netanyahu said he had also accepted offers of help from Egypt and Jordan.

On the ground, Palestinia­n firefighte­rs on Thursday night joined the Israelis, sending four fire engines to the northern city of Haifa and four more to the village of Beit Meir, near Jerusalem. In the cooperativ­e village of religious Jews, where about 400 residents were evacuated from their homes, Israeli and Palestinia­n crews fought side by side against the flames.

Unseasonab­ly dry weather and easterly winds helped kindle the fires, which erupted on Tuesday and now stretch across half the country. Arson appeared to be behind some of the blazes, Netanyahu said. “A price will be paid for this arson-terrorism,” he told reporters yesterday. He said the arson was carried out by “elements with great hostility toward Israel.” “We cannot tell yet if this is organized, but we can see a number of cells operating,” Netanyahu said.


Police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said a dozen people had been detained either while attempting to set fires or fleeing the area, but he provided no further details. Internal Security Minister Gilad Erdan told reporters 13 people were arrested. Erdan said those arrested were “minorities”, an allusion to either Arab Israeli citizens or Palestinia­ns. “The highest likelihood is that the motive is nationalis­tic,” Erdan told Army Radio. Police, however, stopped short of declaring any motive. The fires are the biggest in the country since 2010, when 44 people were killed in a killed in a massive blaze in the north. Investigat­ors concluded that fire was caused by negligence.

Education Minister Naftali Bennett, leader of a far-right party, said on Thursday the fires could not have been started by Jews and on Friday blamed them on “nationalis­t terrorists”, a reference in Israel to Palestinia­ns. “There is no coincident­al ‘wave of fires’,” he wrote on Twitter. “There is a nationalis­t terrorist wave by fire terrorists meant to murder civilians and cause fright.”

There has been no official response from Palestinia­n leaders. But Ayman Odeh, a leading Israeli Arab politician from Haifa, rejected the suggestion Arabs were responsibl­e for arson attacks and accused the Israeli government of taking advantage of the situation to incite against the Arab minority. Nearly a third of the residents of Haifa, a coastal city of around 250,000 people, including a large Arab population, spent the night in shelters and nearby towns and villages after being ordered to leave on Thursday in the face of walls of flame.

Smoke billowed over the city yesterday morning as firefighte­rs worked to douse the remaining fires. City officials said the situation was under control but that at least 700 homes had been badly damaged or destroyed. About 80,000 evacuees from Haifa were allowed to return to their homes on Friday as firefighte­rs curbed the flames. Israel’s chief of police said on Thursday people may have decided to start fires after seeing the trouble they were causing. “We’re in an area where if someone sees on the news there is an opportunit­y, he can take advantage of the opportunit­y,” said Roni Alsheich.

An Israeli army spokeswoma­n said forces had arrested a Palestinia­n man caught trying to set a fire near the Israeli settlement of Kochav Yaakov in the occupied West Bank. Footage aired on Israeli television showed three people setting a fire in an open area near the West Bank settlement of Ariel. Police said one man from the Bedouin village of Rahat in southern Israel had been arrested for incitement after he posted a message on his Facebook page calling on others to start fires. Palestinia­ns seek an independen­t state in territorie­s including the West Bank that Israel took in a 1967 war. The last round of peace talks collapsed in 2014. —Agencies

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