Kuwait Times

Arabic signs face axe in Istanbul’s Little Syria area



With its colorful signs, flashing lights and awnings displaying sales messages in Arabic, Istanbul’s Aksaray neighborho­od looks just like its nickname, “Little Syria”. Those scenes soon could change as part of a crackdown on what one local official calls “visual pollution”. Last week, Aksaray businesses and residents received a notice ordering them to de-clutter building facades and overhaul their signage. The order represents the latest salvo in an eight-year effort to standardiz­e storefront­s and require all signs to be in the Turkish language, which uses the Latin alphabet. It also seeks the removal of signs in Cyrillic lettering and all signs with neon and LED lights.

Some Syrian residents are vowing to ignore the order, seeing it as an assault on their culture. Turkey today is home to 3 million refugees, mostly Syrian. “I will defend my rights because I don’t agree with this decision,” said Mehmet Basil Souccar, who manages five Syrian restaurant­s in Istanbul. The 45-year-old, a dual TurkishSyr­ian national, estimates that more than two-thirds of Aksaray’s stores are owned and operated by Syrians - and predicts street clashes if authoritie­s try to remove Arabic signage. “You can be sure that if they enforce this order, there will be a very ugly picture in Aksaray,” he said.

Some argue that their businesses must be identified with Arabic signs to be identified by their largely Syrian clientele, many of them refugees from the besieged city of Aleppo. “Our restaurant’s name was well known in Aleppo,” said Mahrusi restaurant manager Samer Abou Dan. “If we remove our sign, we might as well shut the restaurant down and leave.” —AP

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