Kuwait Times

Who will taste the bitter drink of reality?

- By Abdellatif Al-Duaij

The structure of the National Assembly is just the same, just like the nature and direction of the voters who produced this assembly, as these results are the selections of the Kuwaiti voters. There is no doubt that the new faces seem to be promising, and that there are seasonal parliament­ary experts such as Abdullah Al-Roumi, Walid Al-Tabatabaei and Jamaan Al-Harbash, despite the disagreeme­nt between the views of the latter two and the democratic system, but there still remains populism, the dominant trait of the new assembly.

It is true, that we do not know anything about the new MPs, and it is not our right to describe them as populists, but this descriptio­n is not an imaginatio­n or a false accusation, rather it is a natural assumption that we can assume judging from the circumstan­ces surroundin­g the elections and

Voters replaced members of the last assembly and selected those who they think will preserve their ‘welfare gains’

the reasons by ex-MPs were not reelected. The Kuwaiti voters replaced members of the last assembly and selected those who they think will preserve their ‘welfare gains’, or those who promised to preserve and not compromise them. This means the current assembly is a populist one, which will definitely clash with the government, and will no doubt end due to lack of cooperatio­n.

The expected lack of cooperatio­n means dissolving of the National Assembly, and this matter has been repeated in the past few years in a way that makes it almost like a boring routine. So, dissolving the National Assembly does not seem to be an easy decision or an available option as it was in the past years. This leads to two things: either the government gives in to the populist demands and continues the current welfare prosperity system, which means continued dependence on oil and squanderin­g of the national wealth, or having the nation’s deputies feel the danger, and choose to bow to the bitter reality instead of bowing to the wishes of their voters.

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