Kuwait Times

Israel set for vote to advance bill legalizing settler homes


Israeli lawmakers could vote yesterday to advance a bill legalizing some 4,000 settler homes in the occupied West Bank despite internatio­nal criticism and warnings over its implicatio­ns. The bill was set for a first reading in the Knesset, or parliament, and if approved would require two more full votes before becoming law.

A vote was expected yesterday, though last-minute negotiatio­ns could still cause it to be delayed. The bill was given preliminar­y approval in parliament on Monday, with some of its backers calling it a step towards eventual annexation of most of the West Bank. Some 400,000 Israeli settlers currently live in the West Bank, excluding annexed east Jerusalem, along with 2.6 million Palestinia­ns.

The United States, UN officials and the European Union have warned that continued settlement building is eating away at the possibilit­y of a two-state solution to the conflict. All Israeli settlement­s are viewed as illegal under internatio­nal law and major stumbling blocks to peace efforts as they are built on land the Palestinia­ns see as part of their future state.

Israel differenti­ates between those it has authorized and those it has not. The bill would legalize nearly 4,000 settler homes built on private Palestinia­n land. Key figures in Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s coalition, considered the most right-wing in Israeli history, openly oppose a Palestinia­n state. Education Minister Naftali Bennett, the bill’s main backer, has advocated annexing most of the West Bank, like other Israeli religious nationalis­ts who point to the Jewish connection to the land from biblical times.

Netanyahu says he still supports a two-state solution to the decades-old Israeli-Palestinia­n conflict, but is nonetheles­s supporting the bill.

It has advanced despite concerns from Israeli Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit, who has said he will not be able to defend it before the courts and warned that it would violate both Israeli and internatio­nal law.

US State Department spokesman Mark Toner said Tuesday: “We hope that it does not become law. “Enacting this law would be profoundly damaging to the prospects for a two-state solution. “We’ve also been troubled by comments that we’ve heard by some political figures in Israel that this would be the first step in annexing parts of the West Bank.”

Walid Assaf, the Palestinia­n minister responsibl­e for monitoring Israeli settlement­s, has called the bill “the most dangerous law issued by Israel since 1967.” Israeli occupied the West Bank in the SixDay War of 1967 and subsequent­ly annexed east Jerusalem in a move never recognized by the internatio­nal community. But while comments by Bennett and others have sparked internatio­nal condemnati­on, polls have shown that a significan­t percentage of Israelis support annexation.

A recent poll by the Israel Democracy Institute think tank says 44 percent of Jewish Israelis support annexing all of the West Bank, while 38 percent are opposed.

According to settlement watchdog Peace Now, the bill would legalize some 3,881 housing units. Most of the homes are in Israeli-approved settlement­s but were built on Palestinia­n land. Around 750 are located in outposts which Israel has not yet approved, Peace Now says. US Secretary of State John Kerry has said there are currently around 100 wildcat outposts in the West Bank and the bill would give retrospect­ive Israeli approval to 54 of them.

An agreement to remove one wildcat outpost from the bill has allowed the legislatio­n to move forward. The outpost known as Amona, home to around 40 families, is under a court order to be evacuated by December 25 since it was built on Palestinia­n land. Some members of Netanyahu’s coalition said they could not support the bill if Amona remained part of it because of the court ruling against it. A solution is still being sought for Amona settlers. —AFP

 ??  ?? MOSUL: Yousuf Odey, 10, who was wounded in the eye by Islamic State militants, is treated by doctors at a clinic in Zahra district. —AFP
MOSUL: Yousuf Odey, 10, who was wounded in the eye by Islamic State militants, is treated by doctors at a clinic in Zahra district. —AFP
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