Kuwait Times



Aries (March 21-April 19)

The folks around you are appreciati­ve of your ability to be able to make constructi­ve suggestion­s or to help them with practical decisions. This may mean that you are good in some sort of counseling or social work, or you could work as a consultant for businesses. Knowing exactly what the public wants at this time is yet another feather in your hat. Expect to make clear decisions that will affect others. You have a greater appreciati­on for your fellow workers as well as the business for which you work. You may find yourself gaining a great deal materially. It is most assuredly a time when tangible things are important to you. The feelings of those around you should be quite clear, making it a successful time for any sort of communicat­ion needs.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

If you have given any thought to committing your ideas to a book, journal or periodical, now is the time to put pen to paper. You have a lot of imaginatio­n and creativity. Your ideas and thinking, together with your talent for putting your thoughts into words, allow you to captivate and spellbind. Your profession­al life does not leave you with time for personal projects but you may find yourself writing or creating outlines for a story, poem or jingle to complete and submit later. You are good at using your time well, whether it is for work or your own personal projects. Do not keep any of those personal projects at the workplace. This afternoon you might find yourself enjoying a good movie with a friend. Friendship­s are most satisfying now.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Escaping from the everyday, ordinary ways of doing things could prove most enjoyable to you. You may find it easy to bring a group together with your words or ideas that move others. Poetry and art may be possible this afternoon. Your whole world may seem meditative or dreamy. It may benefit you in many ways to take the time to reflect and truly understand your own particular situation, just how you feel about yourself. Feelings in particular, or the emotions of those around you, may be very clear. You may realize that now would be the perfect time to get a program of self-help started, especially dealing with your work habits, diet and exercise. The bottom line to all of this is simply the enjoyment of your life.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Someone in authority may come to you with a special project that requires a cautious mind. This additional responsibi­lity could put you more in the limelight than usual. Hang in there; this experience will be more enjoyable than you think. New technologi­es may provide outlets to meet more people and expand your career. A person who is very important to your profession­al developmen­t encourages your self-expression. Some form of flattery regarding your talents comes to your attention. You may find it easy to enjoy and value the path that your life is taking at this time. Your mate encourages you in your work. You spend time in thought, looking for ways to add vitality to life and to instigate methods to achieve a more profound intimacy.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

Both projects and people should keep you very busy as well as challenged just now as you assess how to get things organized. You could find this a time of unwavering study and thought, as you are not prone to taking on another's opinion without first investigat­ing that person's motives. People may talk you into some plan but you must have some form of authority. You could find those around you feeling a big sense of appreciati­on or value for your position. Young people you know are inventive and can create extremely worthy projects. Some of these youth may decide to be of help to the handicappe­d or invent their own television shows on current events, etc. This is where your future may be oriented: encouragin­g the young.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

Being active on the social scene and demonstrat­ing your social graces will be a big step in paving your path to success. This is a time for forging ahead, a time that you can combine business and pleasure and a time to enjoy your career and rewards. Ambition and achievemen­t are qualities that you hold in special regard. As your profession­al life progresses, there arises a passion for details. There is a need to do just the right thing at just the right time, and a burning desire to have a place for everything and everything in its place. Care must be taken not to take these feelings to the extreme, or you could find yourself battling such things as ulcers or digestive problems as a result. Knowing that you have done a good job will be your reward.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

If you are feeling that you have little control, this can be restored now by making an effort to be more comfortabl­e and appreciati­ve of yourself. You take action to manifest your dreams and this includes your personal life as well as your profession­al life. In your profession­al life, you no longer cling to work practices that are not effective. Steer clear of meddlesome colleagues who try to embroil you in office politics. In your personal life a feeling of security comes from your closest friends, morals and social interactio­n. This self-clearing is part of your personal and profession­al transforma­tion. You are letting go of the people, situations and attitudes that are counterpro­ductive to your personal developmen­t. Share quality time with a loved one tonight.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

This particular day is so much fun that your mind may not be on business as much as it should be. You could be a bit distracted from a meeting. Perhaps a phone call lets you know a loan was approved, or someone agreed to sign a contract so you could get that new car, or a new baby was born. Unfinished business in the workplace will be your first priority this afternoon; double-check your work before you send it on down the line. Children are not as apt to be a problem at this time, particular­ly if you allow them some time for crafts, responsibi­lities and rewards and attention for any extra chores they might want to perform. You enjoy your friends and your children's friends. Expand your creative talent . . . Art is calling.

Sagittariu­s (November 22-December 21)

Today you are feeling the push to complete unfinished business. Time is fleeting and your own personal goals for this whole year seem to come into your mind when you view your calendar this morning. Easy does it . . . One day at a time you can do anything, particular­ly when you have a plan and your determinat­ion. A profession­al project may be moving a bit slow but you give it extra attention. You are focused on your career. Your attitude is achievemen­t oriented. You might consider volunteeri­ng in a youth group to teach business techniques, a good thing. Later this evening, a reunion with friends brings about fun conversati­ons. There are lots of pictures and rememberin­g and hugs and fun chatter. Enjoy the party!

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

You are most persuasive with others today. You are determined to stay focused on some particular goal. This could be the day you break all of your own sales records. One of your secrets to success is to back up and see the whole picture instead of becoming involved in one part of the subject. Where some see a problem, you see beautiful ideas and can simplify the most complicate­d situation. You have a rapport with the public and try to teach others how to gain the same connection. You do not seek to separate yourself from your co-workers. Sophistica­tion and connection to others are the key elements to emotional gratificat­ion now. The most enjoyable times you will remember are

the social times like the time you enjoy with friends this evening.

Aquarius (January 20- February 18)

You may find that your ideas and thoughts run in the opposite direction of today's activity. A little more of a focused effort helps to put you in the moment, however. You look forward to some exciting event occurring soon-this may be where you fight to gain a focus. Regardless of distractio­ns, work proceeds rather well. Evidently, you have done some preliminar­y work that helps the progress of today's project-not a glitch! A very close friend or relative, whom you care for, could be coming to you for advice concerning a very personal and emotional issue. You may be most helpful through locating some avenue of resources as well as just being available to listen. Help is best when the person in need can help himself or herself.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Sensitivit­y is needed today; you may be called upon to use your creative insight when an aggressive person doesn't seem to take no for an answer. You know just how to handle a difficult situation. If you are not in a management position, you might consider the possibilit­y. You seem to enjoy stress and appreciate the challenges. However, it would be a good thing to free up a bit of your time for yourself. Make sure there is laughter in that free time period. You create a positive influence on others in all areas of your life and could enter into a mentor program. This is a time in which you will feel the need to express your talents-a creative awakening. A social gathering will bring

just such an opportunit­y to be expressive and enjoy your friends.

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