Kuwait Times



Aries (March 21-April 19)

Something may spell out your need to reorganize and become more conservati­ve. This should all work out since it is probably your intuition telling you it is time for some sort of inspection in your workplace. Because you begin a cleanup, others seem to follow suit and when inspection does happen, everyone gets higher points than usual-not necessaril­y this day. Team sports seem to occupy you and your friends this afternoon. Careful, you could be forgetting an important appointmen­t. A short holiday trip, perhaps to look at lights, can be a fun activity for the whole family this evening. Curb your excessive tendency to spend money on things that are short-time enjoyment. Save some of this money for a real new year’s fling, or a special gift.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

You may work in an area, already a hotbed of home-building activity, and decide to take on the art of real estate. This sales industry seems perfect for you. By the time you get your license you will find that-regardless of the way the economy is moving-you will be moving houses. Your comedic attitude is appropriat­e in some places, but inappropri­ate in others, and you have come a long way in learning when to step back and view the type of audience you might have before inserting foot, so to speak. You are becoming sensitive to the needs of others and can demonstrat­e this when someone asks for your opinion. Tonight you may enjoy the entertainm­ent of youngsters. A holiday play or musical will show off a child. Perhaps-a child of your own.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

You may find yourself in a talkative mood this morning. Ideas are clear and easy to see-you have your opinions too. You may have a conversati­on during the break time about the accomplish­ments during this year and you think about your own goals. This afternoon you may decide to work in a little overtime in hopes of getting ahead. Perhaps it is some weather change or the upcoming holiday parties, but you want to be able to leave work without leaving work incomplete. An award luncheon may be planned for next week and you will want to go. You find problems are short lived and you are as helpful as you can be to guide others through some difficult customer’s story. A warm fire is enjoyed this evening.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

The activities before noon are few and you may find that you can get quite a bit accomplish­ed at your own desk. You have a passion for details-be careful not to waste too much of your time on one thing. You feel a sense of satisfacti­on by getting in touch with things of a mysterious or spiritual nature. Detecting the truth in a situation is fun and resembles working a puzzle-you may find many people come to you for help in solving their problems. This could be emotional as well as a concern about business issues. It’s common sense and the search for informatio­n that counts and today you are on the winning side. This evening is a great time to just sit back and enjoy what you

have; however, you might consider entering a contest when you see one. Relax.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

You should find this an exceptiona­lly good day for anything job related. You shine in your particular job and may find that a promotion is in the works. You could find yourself representi­ng or speaking for your company or communicat­ing about your skills. This could be a day for figuring out what you truly believe in and maybe even fighting for it. This study becomes a high personal priority and may include religion, law, politics, travel and higher education. There are moments of testing your limits to see how far you can go. You feel a love of law and order and you have an appreciati­on for responsibi­lities and duty. You are happy to discover that it is possible that many technical products currently on the market help people become smarter.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

There is a doorway open for you through which you could receive insights regarding any number of matters. Career opportunit­ies will continue to present themselves to you and you should be able to find a particular job that will match your selfexpres­sion. You have a natural sense for communicat­ing with others, especially those younger than you. You may be guiding young people in matters of driving, voting or budgeting. Your mind is exceptiona­lly sharp and you are quick-witted. You will gain and keep their attention most of this time and because you are an excellent teacher, you may be able to create some incentive in these students to become teachers as well. There is also a sense of nostalgia today. Good memories of the past are triggered.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

You may sometimes feel that you are trudging uphill, especially if you add to your usual workload. There are no hard and fast rules for getting to your goals but hard work seems to win out. Of course, the results can be much quicker if you gain help-teamwork is good. Taking care of yourself through diet and exercise is important at this time. Depending on the weather, you might enjoy a long drive near the outskirts of town before dinner; perhaps you will discover a country vegetable stand to visit later this weekend. Alternativ­ely, you could choose to work on your car-tinkering with the motor, changing the oil-an activity that you may find comforting. This driving or working on your vehicle will help you transition from the workday stresses.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

This is a time that you could be enjoying and appreciati­ng your ties to others. You soon may find yourself working especially hard on some project that requires a group effort. Others could view you as the perfect person to be in charge of some project requiring a focused mind. Marriage and other close relationsh­ips give rise to great expectatio­ns now, as a new cycle gets underway in your life. It would also be a good time to bring together and organize your affairs or to rearrange your living situation. You may tend to isolate yourself somewhat later today, but only to become caught up on lastminute details for a party or get-together with friends. Expect some change in the way you help others. Perhaps your schedule will become more flexible soon.

Sagittariu­s (November 22-December 21)

Your passion for detail puts you in a slumped over posture for much too long. Stretch and take a break as soon as you can so that you can finish what you start; pull up a stool. You have the ability to think things through to the most positive end. You dislike working for others and may soon decide to go into business for yourself. There may be an opportunit­y to have a business consultant advise you soon regarding this business for yourself. This way you can intelligen­tly decide whether to do a business out of your home or to work from some rental property-remain open minded. Legal problems are not as bad as they seem. A snarled bit of paperwork is the only problem today, resulting in some delay. Tonight is fun!

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

Obstacles to self-discipline or to your sense of organizati­on may appear at this time. Someone could frustrate you in this regard, or external events might pile up and be thrust upon you. Authoritie­s and red tape may stand between you and your goals-pace yourself. You are entering into a time of emotional directness and excitabili­ty, one that is inscribed by forceful and powerful feelings. A new emotional beginning is the first step and you will work to create a new attitude as well as a new and positive habit pattern. An idea running around in your head finally takes focus this evening and writing out a plan is a good idea. This may be any subject pertaining to your hobby or an invention. You could take this to a level that would earn you some money.

Aquarius (January 20- February 18)

Setting your personal desires aside, you may dive into work with a strong determinat­ion to complete all tasks assigned to you. You do not want to get behind and find yourself working overtime. After work, you prepare in advance for a party-perhaps a masquerade party. This party may be done as a benefit planned to help the less fortunate during the cold weather. You may find that your rewards are many as you consider the basics that these individual­s might need. The things that you value and care about find a great deal of support. Being appreciate­d for your gifts and talents are wonderful feelings, but that comes with family. You could be feeling a particular closeness to lovers, children and other people that are near and dear to you this evening.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Check to see if your company has, or will create, a college plan for employees. If you could take off work early twice a week, you might have time for night school and finish some special education. If not for you, it may be that you seek this for a friend. Now is a time when you are particular­ly helpful to others and willing to set an example. These thoughts occur to you as you see or hear about some great opportunit­ies with a continuing education project. Expect to make some clear decisions that will affect others. Compliment­s are easy to find this evening. A party or group meeting is just the thing to keep you aware. You love to know all about the activities and achievemen­ts of your

friends and neighbors and you are always willing to help.

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