Kuwait Times

Sheikh Salman meets sports panel, ready to face grilling

MP proposes amnesty law for political prisoners

- By B Izzak

KUWAIT: The National Assembly’s sports and youth panel yesterday discussed with Informatio­n and Youth Minister Sheikh Salman Al-Humoud Al-Sabah steps taken by the government to lift internatio­nal sanctions against Kuwaiti sports. Head of the committee MP Saadoun Hammad said the minister said the government will today send to the National Assembly a new draft law for sports that is compatible with the Olympic Charter. He said that sports specialist­s have been invited to another meeting tomorrow to assess the situation and decide the next course of action.

Rapporteur of the panel MP Ahmad Al-Fadhl said that the letter of the Internatio­nal Olympic Committee (IOC) to Sheikh Salman has changed the course of discussion­s in the meeting. In a letter dated Dec 31, the IOC rejected a request by the Kuwaiti government to lift the suspension temporaril­y to allow Kuwaiti teams to take part in internatio­nal competitio­ns until sports legislatio­ns are changed. The IOC demanded that Kuwait should amend sports legislatio­ns to comply with the Olympic Charter, reinstate the Kuwait Olympic Committee and federation­s that were dissolved by the government and withdraw all court cases against internatio­nal sports bodies for the IOC to reconsider the suspension. The minister told reporters after the meeting that he listened to comments of the committee members to the IOC letter and its demands, adding

that he explained that the government emphasizes basic principles of respecting the constituti­on and the law, Kuwait’s sovereignt­y and cooperatio­n to achieve the country’s interests. He said that the IOC has demanded the withdrawal of cases against sports bodies and that the government is considerin­g the matter. He said the cases relate to demands for compensati­on for illegally depriving Kuwait and its athletes from taking part in internatio­nal events including the Rio Olympics.

Sheikh Salman also said he is prepared to face a grilling threatened by opposition lawmaker Waleed AlTabtabae­i, who said that if the minister fails to lift the suspension by Jan 11, he will file to grill him.

Meanwhile, MP Majed Al-Mutairi yesterday submitted a draft law stipulatin­g a general amnesty for all political prisoners or detainees who were jailed or are being prosecuted for expressing political opinions. The bill applies to all freedom of expression cases but excludes cases that are related to terrorism. But it also states that if the pardoned people repeat the same crime within five years, they have to serve the sentence from the start.

Opposition MP Riyadh Al-Adasani said yesterday that he plans to submit a draft law soon calling to scrap all price hikes approved on electricit­y and water, adding that although the increase doesn’t include Kuwaitis’ homes, it will impact them negatively. He said that in some sectors, power charges were increased by 1,200 percent and affected companies will seek to recoup the loss by raising the cost of their services and products. He also called on the government to stop squanderin­g public funds before raising the prices of essential commoditie­s and services.

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