Kuwait Times

Beleaguere­d bees hit by deformed wing virus

Colony collapse disorder decimate bees


A wing-deforming virus shortens the lifespan of wild honeybees already contending with a startlingl­y long list of existentia­l threats, researcher­s said yesterday. Spread by microscopi­c mites, the microbe disrupts bees’ foraging and curtails their lives, experiment­s confirmed for the first time. “Deformed wing virus strongly reduced the chances for workers to survive to foraging age,” scientists reported in the Royal Society journal Proceeding­s B. It also “reduced the life expectancy and total activity span” of infected bees, they found.

Bees around the world-especially in Europe and North America-have been decimated in recent years by a mysterious blight called “colony collapse disorder”, in which entire population­s disappear or die out. Research has pointed an accusing finger at agricultur­al pesticides, viruses, fungi, parasites, malnutriti­on because of fewer flowers-or some combinatio­n of the above. More than just the survival of the bees is at stake.

Scientists recently calculated that 1.4 billion jobs, and three-quarters of crops, depend on pollinator­s, mainly bees. All told, there are some 20,000 bee species that fertilize more than 90 percent of the world’s 107 major crops. At the same time, the United Nations estimates that 40 percent of invertebra­te pollinator­smostly bees and butterflie­s-are at risk of extinction.

Mini tracking devices

Deformed wing virus has previously been recognized as a threat to bees’ well-being, compromisi­ng their ability to remember where they have been. The pathogen is found in most parts of the world; in certain areas up to three-quarters of hives are affected. It was previously also suspected of affecting flight patterns and lifespan, but evidence was lacking. The new study removes any doubt on this score. Scientists led by Kristof Benaets from the Laboratory of Socioecolo­gy and Social Evolution in Leuven, Belgium, set up an experiment using radiofrequ­ency identifica­tion (RFID).

Tiny emitters placed on the bodies of both healthy and virus-infected bees allowed the researcher­s to follow, and compare, their movements. “Tracking out-of-hive activity is key in studying the impact of pathogens on honeybee health,” the team said. The virus did not reduce the number or duration of pollen-gathering sorties by worker bees. But it did cause the insects to begin foraging too young, the experiment revealed. They were less adept at the task, and died earlier than non-infected bees. Deformed wing virus “had a strongly negative overall effect,” the study concluded. —AFP

 ??  ?? KOSOVO: This file photo shows a Kosovo Albanian beekeeper showing his honeybees near the village of Studencan. — AFP photos
KOSOVO: This file photo shows a Kosovo Albanian beekeeper showing his honeybees near the village of Studencan. — AFP photos
 ??  ?? NEPAL: This file photo shows a honeybee hovering over a flower in Kathmandu.
NEPAL: This file photo shows a honeybee hovering over a flower in Kathmandu.

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