Kuwait Times

US Republican­s still battle each other even after gaining power


Less than twenty-four hours after Donald Trump had won the White House, House Speaker Paul Ryan triumphant­ly proclaimed the start of a new era of Republican leadership that would “hit the ground running.” Six weeks into Trump’s administra­tion, Republican­s are running - just in different directions. As congressio­nal leaders move forward with efforts to undo former President Barack Obama’s health care law, conservati­ve activists and GOP lawmakers are slamming the proposal as “Obamacare lite,” “Obamacare 2.0” and “RINOcare” - RINO standing for Republican­s In Name Only, a term of derision.

Swing state senators worry that their sickest and poorest constituen­ts could lose access to health care. Republican governors fear that millions of people now covered by Medicaid could be dropped, a step the governors warn could hurt GOP candidates in their states. “We’ve said all along, ‘Work with the governors,’” said Gov Brian Sandoval, R-Nev. “Well, they came out with their own bill, which doesn’t include anything that the governors have talked about .” Republican leaders hoped unified control of Washington would unite the party around years of campaign promises to dismantle the Affordable Care Act, cut taxes and slash regulation­s.

Health care battle

Instead, the celebrator­y weeks that followed Trump’s victory seem to have been little more than a temporary cease-fire in a yearslong GOP civil war. “There are people who haven’t adjusted to the fact that we have a Republican president,” said Michael Steel, a former top adviser to onetime Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, who frequently tangled with tea party-aligned lawmakers. “These guys could wind up leading the cavalry charge straight into machine-gun fire.”

The health care battle is probably the first of many intraparty clashes to come. Already, plans to overhaul tax laws have Republican­s tied in knots, budget hawks are skeptical about Trump’s $1 trillion infrastruc­ture plan and senior GOP lawmakers have rejected major pieces of his upcoming budget proposal. The White House realizes that it must win over many of the objectors. With Democratic voters demanding nothing short of complete resistance to Trump, congressio­nal passage of the Republican agenda will depend largely on party-line votes. That leaves limited room for GOP defections.

In a Wednesday meeting with the leaders of conservati­ve groups, Trump positioned himself as the good cop in the conflict, taking what one participan­t described as a series of veiled shots at Ryan. The president argued that his team was at least meeting with conservati­ve activists, according to the participan­t, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe private discussion­s. Trump also reminded the activists of his strong support among the conservati­ve base and said he planned to campaign in states he won, in an effort to pressure their unsupporti­ve lawmakers.

“I want to be as helpful to the Trump administra­tion as I can. I’m very supportive of the president. I support him, I want to help him. But respect has to go up and down the street, it’s got to go both ways,” said Rep Gary Palmer, R-Ala, a member of the hard-line House Freedom Caucus. At least one conservati­ve group is already running digital ads against the GOP health care plan, arguing that the tax credits in the bill essentiall­y replace one federal entitlemen­t with another. Activists plan to swarm Capitol Hill to demand Congress pass a repeal bill that would completely erase all trace of Obama’s signature domestic achievemen­t.

“This is not something that is easy for us to say, ‘OK, we’ll take half a loaf,’” said Adam Brandon, head of the conservati­ve activist group FreedomWor­ks. “What Senate Leader Mitch McConnell promised when he was on the campaign trail was we’re going to repeal Obamacare root and branch. So what we’re asking him to do is repeal - root and branch.” Republican leaders attribute some of the discord to inexperien­ce.

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— AP The Capitol is seen at sunup as Senate Republican­s are poised to use their majority to confirm President Donald Trump’s controvers­ial nominee to lead the Environmen­tal Protection Agency, despite calls from Democrats for a delay as both houses of...

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