Kuwait Times

Internatio­nal collaborat­ion to develop specialize­d skills of Kuwaiti doctors

Encouraged by pediatric expert


After four weeks of visiting Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children (GOSH) in London, Dr Abdullah Ali, who is currently undertakin­g a pediatric training program in Kuwait, addresses the importance of internatio­nal collaborat­ion with hospitals in developing the future of pediatrics in Kuwait.

It was after working in NBK Hospital’s Hematology and Oncology ward in Kuwait for a few months when Dr Abdullah decided he was keen to advance his study in the field of Hematology and Oncology pediatrics. With GOSH’s world-class facilities and particular expertise in both specialism­s, Dr Abdullah saw a placement at GOSH as a great opportunit­y to further his passion for Hematology and Oncology, and to bring back ideas that will strengthen pediatric healthcare in Kuwait. The Ministry of Health sponsored Dr Abdullah on his visit to the hospital, allowing him the opportunit­y to develop his skills in hematology and oncology.

“What attracted me to GOSH is its internatio­nal reputation. When I started my pediatric training, I saw many Kuwaiti patients coming back from GOSH from different specialtie­s, mostly from the Hematology and Oncology department. Therefore, I thought it would be useful to get to know this hospital more, especially considerin­g its reputation as one of the leading hospitals in the world. I spoke to one of the consultant­s at NBK hospital to express my interest in Hematology and Oncology. He recommende­d GOSH and put me in touch with Dr Phil Ancliff,” Dr Abdullah said.

Despite feeling a bit lost to begin with when arriving in London, Dr Abdullah commented that this initial sense of unease quickly changed thanks to the friendline­ss of the team at GOSH. Dr Abdullah explains that by visiting GOSH, a hospital which sees over 1,500 children from the Middle East region each year; it has given him the chance to gain experience in conditions he would not usually get the chance to see back home, due to Kuwait’s smaller population. It has also given him the opportunit­y to take part in inclusive clinical discussion­s about the latest findings in hematology and Oncology with leaders in the field.

“I especially enjoyed Thursday mornings as this is the time of the week where consultant­s discuss different cases and their different opinions. This collaborat­ive approach was very enlighteni­ng and it was great to have my input valued even though I am a junior. On one occasion I was talking to Dr Ancliff about acute leukemia and instantly, after about 30 minutes, he sent me an article about it. It’s this sort of enthusiasm about learning and exploring techniques that ultimately forms better doctors. Speaking to consultant­s in the department made me realize how fascinatin­g the field of leukemia is and all the areas where we could learn and explore. The past 4 weeks of collaborat­ing with leading experts has made me think ‘I really want to do this!’”

Crucial role

Speaking about the experience, Dr Ancliff, Consultant in Pediatric Hematology at GOSH, stresses how this collaborat­ive work plays a crucial role in developing healthcare. “Collaborat­ive work should always be encouraged amongst healthcare profession­als. It helps promote a more educated, skilled and engaged workforce. It was a great privilege having Dr Abdullah choose to visit us in order to learn more about the areas of Hematology and Oncology. I believe, through this active collaborat­ion, together we have sparked his enthusiasm and passion for further specializi­ng in the area which he will then be able to apply in Kuwait.” Commenting on what he plans to bring back to Kuwait, Dr Abdullah mentions how he would like to promote the idea of a multidisci­plinary team more amongst future physicians in Kuwait. Multidisci­plinary working is when profession­als from a range of specialtie­s collaborat­e to deliver comprehens­ive care that addresses as many of the patient’s needs as possible.

“The multidisci­plinary area is not as establishe­d here in Kuwait as it is in GOSH; we have started it already but I think there’s still more which could be done,” explains Dr Abdullah. “It is important to analyze cases from a medical perspectiv­e and through the eyes of a Hematology expert, but what this experience taught me is the need to also cater to the non-medical elements of every case such as social support and education. It is widely reported by colleagues at GOSH that benefits of this collaborat­ive working include improved health outcomes for patients, the more efficient use of resources and enhanced job satisfacti­on for team members.”

Further, Dr Abdullah was amazed at the lengths GOSH go to in order to make the hospital like home for children and parents who visit. “It is the small details which make a big difference. For example, GOSH have a team of interprete­rs for all different languages available, and even have window cleaners who dress up in superhero costumes; it is a very friendly environmen­t for children.”

“I would definitely recommend this experience to other colleagues in Kuwait. The level of research and clinical experience at GOSH is more advanced when compared to Kuwait. It is always good to have a reference point, and GOSH has been a good benchmark to many of our doctors. I hope we can we can continue this collaborat­ion in the future to further develop the skills and expertise of our doctors in Kuwait,” Dr Abdullah concluded.

 ??  ?? Dr Abdullah Ali (left) and Dr Phil Ancliff.
Dr Abdullah Ali (left) and Dr Phil Ancliff.

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