Kuwait Times

Panel discusses labor law amendments

More job security to citizens in private sector

- By A Saleh

Minister of Social Affairs and Labor and Minister of State for Economic Affairs Hind Al-Sabeeh is scheduled to take part in the parliament­ary health affairs committee’s meeting this morning to discuss some proposed amendments to the private sector labor law. The meeting will also include representa­tives of the Kuwait Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI), the Kuwaiti Private Sector Employees’ Rights Committee and Kuwait Labor Union. The committee aims at granting Kuwaitis working for the private sector insurance to protect them from being laid off and being subject to abusive dismissals. The committee also plans to compel Civil Service Commission (CSC) to find alternativ­e jobs for citizens dismissed from the private sector.

Accompanie­d by Minister of Commerce and Industry Khaled AlRoudhan, a number of lawmakers will today inspect the single window services at Kuwait Business Center in Ishbelia. The tour is meant to brief the lawmakers about the latest procedures on founding new companies according to the most up-to-date technology.

Meanwhile, the parliament­ary legislativ­e affairs committee is scheduled to discuss stateless people’s civil and social rights before referring the bill to the interior and defense committee. Notably, the rights to be discussed include the right of healthcare, education and employment, in addition to issuing security IDs without any complicati­ons, all of which are initially approved by the government.

In the meantime, a special committee formed to investigat­e the ‘disappeara­nce of containers’ from Shuwaikh Port will meet at 12:30 pm to discuss the latest developmen­ts and findings of a visit its members made to the port earlier in the presence of Sabeeh and Housing Minister Yasser Abul. Abul said the Public Authority for Housing Welfare (PAHW) would open allocation of land plots in Khaitan to be distribute­d during the next fiscal year.

Minister of Justice Dr Mohammed AlAzeb announced that his ministry is currently preparing some bills pending submission to the parliament for discussion by relevant committees. “No laws concerning judiciary matters will be proposed unless the Supreme Judicial Council is consulted and approves them,” Azeb said, noting that the ministry is keen that the council, being the highest judicial body, is consulted about the judiciary in general and is represente­d in each legislativ­e committee.

 ??  ?? Social Affairs Minister Hind Al-Sabeeh
Social Affairs Minister Hind Al-Sabeeh

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