Kuwait Times

Judge weighs blocking US order on sanctuary cities


A US judge on Friday heard arguments from lawyers representi­ng two so-called sanctuary cities that are challengin­g President Donald Trump’s executive order stripping such jurisdicti­ons of federal funds. The outcome of the high-profile case in US District Court in San Francisco could impact more than 300 cities and counties across the United States that have denounced as unconstitu­tional Trump’s order to withhold funds from cities that refuse to cooperate with federal immigratio­n agents.

The federal judge in the case, William Orrick, said he would issue his decision “as soon as I can” after he heard arguments from lawyers representi­ng San Francisco and Santa Clara County. Both jurisdicti­ons have sued the administra­tion and are seeking an injunction against Trump’s order which calls for money to be taken away from local government­s that refuse to share informatio­n with federal authoritie­s about undocument­ed immigrants. The case bears similariti­es to the court challenges faced by the Trump administra­tion over its two travel bans targeting Muslim-majority countries.

Santa Clara officials say the county stands to lose nearly $1.7 billion in federal funds because of the executive order aimed at sanctuary jurisdicti­ons. San Francisco receives up to $2 billion a year in federal funding. Lawyers for the Trump administra­tion told the judge on Friday that neither jurisdicti­on was at immediate risk of losing the federal funding, adding that the order was simply aimed at coercing them to comply with immigratio­n laws.

‘Don’t mess with us’

“There’s been no action threatened or taken against the cities,” acting assistant attorney general Chad Readler told the judge. He said Trump’s order was “narrow” and would affect a limited number of grants from the department­s of Justice and Homeland Security. However attorneys representi­ng Santa Clara and San Francisco in their landmark lawsuits urged Orrick to block the order nationwide on grounds it is unconstitu­tional. They also said the judge in making his decision should take into account comments made by Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions against sanctuary jurisdicti­ons.

Dave Cortese, president of the Board of Supervisor­s for Santa Clara County, told AFP that it was clear Trump’s order was “hastily” put together and was unlikely to stand up in court. “He (Trump) has got two choices-he can just continue to be a bull in a china shop and continue to put forward executive orders and other initiative­s that don’t pass constituti­onal muster and that are refuted by the courts or he can get better advice and be more thoughtful in what he’s doing,” Cortese said. — AFP

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