Kuwait Times

Europe reacts over Turkey referendum


PARIS: The EU and Germany have urged Turkish leaders to heal bitter internal divisions after a contested referendum on handing the president greater powers. The vote has major implicatio­ns for the long-standing EU bid of Turkey, also a key NATO member. Here are some of the main reactions:

“In view of the close referendum result and the far-reaching implicatio­ns of the constituti­onal amendments, we... call on the Turkish authoritie­s to seek the broadest possible national consensus in their implementa­tion,” said a statement issued by European Commission head JeanClaude Juncker, EU foreign affairs chief Federica Mogherini and EU Enlargemen­t Commission­er Johannes Hahn.

“The (German) government expects that the Turkish government will now seek respectful dialogue with all political and social forces in the country, after this tough election campaign,” said Chancellor Angela Merkel in a joint statement with Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel.

Council of Europe

Thorbjorn Jagland, secretary general of Europe’s top rights watchdog, said Turkish leaders “should consider the next steps carefully ... in view of the close result.” It is of the utmost importance, said Jagland, “to secure the independen­ce of the judiciary in line with the principle of rule of law enshrined in the European Convention on Human Rights.” Turkey is a full member of the Council of Europe, which “stands ready to support the country in this process”, Jagland added. A NATO official said that the constituti­onal referendum in alliance member Turkey “is a matter for the Turkish people”.


According to Austrian Foreign Minister Sebastian Kurz, the referendum “shows how divided the country is”. He added that “collaborat­ion with the EU will be even more complex.”


“Strange to see democracy restrict democracy. The majority has the right to decide, but I’m quite concerned about (the) new Turkish constituti­on,” Danish Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen said on Twitter.


 ?? —AP ?? ISTANBUL: People walk along the main market in Istanbul yesterday. Turkey’s main opposition party urged the country’s electoral board yesterday to cancel the results of a landmark referendum that granted sweeping new powers to the nation’s president,...
—AP ISTANBUL: People walk along the main market in Istanbul yesterday. Turkey’s main opposition party urged the country’s electoral board yesterday to cancel the results of a landmark referendum that granted sweeping new powers to the nation’s president,...

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