Kuwait Times

Myanmar religious tensions simmer as madrassas closed


Chit Tin, a 55-year-old Muslim man has prayed at the same madrassa in eastern Yangon his whole adult life, most of it spent under a junta that crushed opposition, ruined Myanmar’s economy and turned it into an internatio­nal pariah state. But even as the father-of-four endured poverty and isolation, the Muslim religious school, which doubles as a mosque, had remained a focal point of his community - until a month ago, when Buddhist nationalis­ts raided it and forced authoritie­s to shut it down on the grounds it did not have a permit to operate as a place of worship.

When Ramadan, the Muslim holy month, started some three weeks ago, hundreds of residents braved the monsoon rain to join prayers organized in the street nearby. Local authoritie­s banned the event and threatened those attending with jail. “I feel deeply sad, as if the sky has fallen down,” said Chit Tin, one of the few Muslims from the neighborho­od who agreed to speak to Reuters. Most residents refused to discuss the restrictio­ns, saying they feared repercussi­ons.

One of the youth members of the community, Moe Zaw, now faces a fine or six months in jail for not obtaining a permit to organize the prayers, according to a notificati­on he received from a court. The closure of the religious school is among a series of incidents that have stoked religious tensions in the country’s commercial capital in recent weeks. Although some of the Buddhist hardliners involved were arrested, human rights monitors say the incident shows how Aung San Suu Kyi’s 14-month-old civilian administra­tion is struggling to tackle discrimina­tion against Muslims.

Suu Kyi’s ruling party, the National League for Democracy (NLD) did not field any Muslim candidates in the historic 2015 election that elevated it to power on pledges of modernizin­g the country and democratiz­ation. Tensions between the two communitie­s have simmered since scores were killed and tens of thousands displaced in clashes between Buddhists and Muslims accompanyi­ng the start of the country’s democratic transition in 2012 and 2013. “Mosques and madrassas that have been forcibly shuttered should be immediatel­y reopened, and religious believers should not be threatened or criminally charged simply for exercising their fundamenta­l right to observe and practice their religion,” said Phil Robertson from watchdog Human Rights Watch. Local administra­tors refused repeated requests for comment. Myanmar’s government spokesman was not available for comment, and two other government officials contacted by Reuters declined to comment.

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The madrassa, opened nearly half a century ago, typically attracted around 1,000 people on Friday nights. Around 300 children between the ages of five and 12 studied Islam there daily. The two-storey building is now cordoned off by barbed wire and the gate is locked. “The children were about to sit exams, so we feel it’s a big loss for their education,” said Chit Tin, whose two 6-year-old grandchild­ren started classes at the madrassa a year ago. He now attends another mosque a 20-minute walk away, where the congregati­on has swelled from 5,000 to 8,000 in recent weeks due to the closure of his madrassa and another nearby that was also targeted by Buddhist nationalis­ts. In the city of Meikhtila, 500 km north of Yangon in central Myanmar, three private homes that have been used by about 150 people for prayers since mosques in the city were destroyed in the 2013 violence were also ordered to close down by local administra­tors.

The police has been patrolling the neighborho­od since last week, checking whether the houses have stayed closed and whether the prayers have ceased during Ramadan. “Since the authoritie­s don’t allow us to pray anymore, we requested them to arrange a suitable place for us,” San Win Shein, an Islamic scholar and a secretary of a local inter-faith group told Reuters by telephone. “There is no reply until now.” —Reuters

 ??  ?? NAYPYIDAW: Myanmar’s State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi distribute­s cake as she celebrates her 72nd birthday at the parliament building yesterday. —AFP
NAYPYIDAW: Myanmar’s State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi distribute­s cake as she celebrates her 72nd birthday at the parliament building yesterday. —AFP

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