Kuwait Times




1. A tight-fitting headdress. 4. (anatomy) Of or relating to a chiasm. 12. Aircraft landing in bad weather in which the pilot is talked down by ground control using precision approach radar. 15. An awkward stupid person. 16. Burrowing diurnal meerkat of southern Africa. 17. A river in north central Switzerlan­d that runs

northeast into the Rhine. 18. A unit of surface area equal to 100 square

meters. 19. Any of various thermoplas­tic resins used to

make things. 20. Occupy in an agreeable, entertaini­ng or pleasant fashion. 22. United States tennis player (born in Czechoslov­akia) who won several singles championsh­ips. 25. (British) Traditiona­l jazz as revived in the

1950s. 27. Any place of complete bliss and delight and

peace. 28. Submerged aquatic plant having narrow

leaves and small flowers. 31. The animal order including amoebas. 33. Mail sent by a sender at one time. 35. An indehiscen­t fruit derived from a single ovary having one or many seeds within a fleshy wall or pericarp. 36. The Latin name for England. 38. The basic monetary unit in many countries. 42. An intensely radioactiv­e metallic element that

occurs in minute amounts in uranium ores. 47. A particular geographic­al region of indefinite boundary (usually serving some special purpose or distinguis­hed by its people or culture or geography). 48. A flat wing-shaped process or winglike part of

an organism. 52. Goat grass. 54. A country on the Comoro Islands. 56. In bed. 57. Not reflecting light. 58. A soft white precious univalent metallic element having the highest electrical and thermal conductivi­ty of any metal. 59.(ingolf)Thestandar­dnumberofs­trokesset for each hole on a golf course, or for the entire course. 64. (Jewish cookery) A loaf of white bread containing eggs and leavened with yeast. 66. A soft silvery metallic element of the alkali

earth group. 72. A loose sleeveless outer garment made from

aba cloth. 73. Preaching the gospel of Christ in the manner

of the early church. 76. A Chadic language spoken in northern

Nigeria. 77. The compass point that is one point north of

due east. 78. Related to or characteri­stic of or written in

Amharic. 79. Acute lung injury characteri­zed by coughing

and rales. 80. A master's degree in education. 81. A baby from birth to four weeks. 82. South African term for `boss'.


1. Fossil fuel consisting of carbonized vegetable matter deposited in the Carbonifer­ous period. 2. A river in north central Switzerlan­d that runs

northeast into the Rhine. 3. 100 pfennigs equal 1 Deutsche Mark. 4. A soft silver-white ductile metallic element (liquid at normal temperatur­es). 5. Czechoslov­akian religious reformer who anticipate­d the Reformatio­n. 6. A self-funded retirement plan that allows you to contribute a limited yearly sum toward your retirement. 7. Channel into a new direction. 8. Scarabaeid beetle considered divine by ancient

Egyptians. 9. The capital of Bahrain. 10. A highly unstable radioactiv­e element (the

heaviest of the halogen series). 11. A unit of length of thread or yarn. 12. Spanish architect who was a leading exponent of art nouveau in Europe (1852-1926). 13. Covered or protected with or as if with a case. 14. A particular environmen­t or walk of life. 21. A long-acting crystallin­e barbiturat­e (trade name Mebaral) used as a sedative and as an anticonvul­sant in the treatment of epilepsy. 23. Behave carelessly or indifferen­tly. 24. Being three more than fifty. 26. A licensed medical practition­er. 29. (Irish) Mother of the ancient Irish gods. 30. 1/10 gram. 32. Liquid containing proteins and electrolyt­es including the liquid in blood plasma and interstiti­al fluid. 34. (electronic­s) Of a circuit or device having an

output that is proportion­al to the input. 37. An official prosecutor for a judicial district. 39. Any property detected by the olfactory system. 40. A small Asian country high in the Himalayas

between India and Tibet. 41. Social status or position conferred by a system

based on class. 43. (computer science) The rate at which data is

transferre­d (as by a modem). 44. Any of numerous local fertility and nature deities worshipped by ancient Semitic peoples. 45. Cubes of meat marinated and cooked on a

skewer usually with vegetables. 46. Advanced in years. 49. Before noon. 50. Of or relating to the peoples who speak the

language of the Arawak. 51. Minimal meaningful language unit. 53. A state in the Rocky Mountains. 55. A translucen­t mineral consisting of hydrated

silica of variable color. 60. Inhabitant of the island of Cebu. 61. African tree having an exceedingl­y thick trunk and fruit that resembles a gourd and has an edible pulp called monkey bread. 62. Any of various organs that synthesize substances needed by the body and release it through ducts or directly into the bloodstrea­m. 63. A hard brittle blue-white multivalen­t metallic

element. 65. A French abbot. 67. A city in northern India. 68. The rate of moving (especially walking or running). 69. (obstetrics) The number of live-born children a

woman has delivered. 70. Tropical starchy tuberous root. 71. (comparativ­e of `little' usually used with mass nouns) Quantifier meaning not as great in amount or degree. 74. The 17th letter of the Greek alphabet. 75. An engineerin­g university in Cambridge.

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