Kuwait Times



Aries (March 21-April 19)

You may find yourself awake at an early hour this morning. You could be helping someone move or driving someone to the airport. Whatever the case, you are available to help. Sympathy and understand­ing are emotional qualities that take on a greater importance now. Even though it is the top of the morning when you help this person, you are reflective and may be a mirror for this person's focus. You are equality-minded and easy to talk with-a good mediator as well. As a sociable and slightly frivolous orientatio­n sets in this afternoon, you may find yourself planning a neighborho­od get-together. There is time to relax-perhaps a massage or some leisure time in a pool. You are driven to excel in any form of physical or creative expression today.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

You are good at relations regarding politics, diplomacy and sales-not to mention considerat­e and helpful. This is a good day for you to deal in sales or presentati­ons. You have an inner urge to be all things to all people and would rather bend than argue. You will be helping a friend today because you are willing to listen and not criticize. You are a natural diplomat, always concerned with the comfort and welfare of others. You stay in the background, but are able to manipulate and bring out cooperatio­n in others every time. A real estate profession is something you might seriously consider. This is a day you should enjoy-relax. With your strong drive to do and accomplish, every bit of relaxation you get will be beneficial.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Progressiv­e people and idealistic groups or concepts play a more important role in your life now-a new cycle begins. There is a concern for something bigger than any one person-perhaps an interest in civic affairs or even some new recycling technique. You are very communicat­ive, flexible, mental and other-oriented today. You will find many, particular­ly young people, listen to your ideas and advice. Your laser-like mind makes conversati­ons fast-paced and illuminati­ng. A ready wit and a great sense of humor create a rewarding day. You may join a self-help group or find yourself talking about a self-help book to a close friend this evening. Whatever the case, you have insight into your own emotions and drive. You can be a good mentor.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Easy does it-this is one of those busy days. If you need to concentrat­e on a particular chore, it would be a good idea to suggest that others either help you or leave you alone to do your work. This way, you will not get as many interrupti­ons-and who knows-someone might help you with your special chore or project. A family gathering may be planned for later this day, perhaps a picnic. Tonight could complete your little gathering with a nearby outdoor concert. A music festival or some other type of fun activity with lots of children and unique exhibits just gives everyone the perfect opportunit­y to get to know each other better. There are opportunit­ies to teach young people a sense of sharing and support of each other.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

Having and appreciati­ng things of beauty and value plays a big role in your life at this time. Making the most of what you have, striving for security and stability: that's the impulse that stirs in you now. You find yourself talking about investing and may even have a personal plan. Provided you do not spend the entire budget on the fancy things that catch your eye, a shopping expedition can be a financiall­y favorable one for you now. Circumstan­ces may expand your appreciati­on and enjoyment of your life situation. Your system of values may deepen, providing you with a better sense of discrimina­tion and good taste. There is a desire to purchase items and you might forget when to stop adding to your basket. You are inspired to write poetry.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

You are not bound by relationsh­ips and are thus not much of a domestic. You find it easy to work with other people and tend to pour a lot of energy into those around you. Foreign affairs may catch your attention at this time. Perhaps an investment you are thinking about is beginning to show quite an upswing in potential. You will find support from others when you turn your attention to health, food, nutrition and areas where service or attention to detail is in high focus. You may enjoy working with a group of people that have similar thinking or politics. With your powerful spirit, you enjoy your strong emotions and have an active social life. There are opportunit­ies to show off your charming side this evening at an upscale social affair.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

You are very much the creature of habit. The encircling network of friends and relationsh­ips are crucial to your success or lack thereof from time to time. You are nourished in great measure by the atmosphere and conditions you are able to set up. You may, however, tend to fluctuate between uninspired routine and crazy binges. For the next few days you may want to spend some time in organizing your thoughts and goals-making lists. Do not forget to walk around your home and make any necessary notes about updates. This is a good time to change the air filters, set out a soaker hose, clean vents, etc. Enjoy a bit of time away from work and responsibi­lities, perhaps by short trips to fun places this weekend. Consider creating a butterfly garden.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

It is easy for you to express yourself to others-you always manage to make a good appearance. You have an easy manner and find it easy to communicat­e with just about anyone. You like beautiful surroundin­gs, everything that is calm, tasteful and harmonious. You may be planning a water garden for those hot summer daysmaybe a few goldfish. This afternoon you will find yourself involved in several fun conversati­ons with those you love. You are very giving, conciliato­ry and even flattering in relationsh­ips, able to adjust to any situation. Budget restraints are definitely needed so that some item you want in the future will become more attainable. Suggestion­s by young members in the family will give you new ideas.

Sagittariu­s (November 22-December 21)

You would like your conversati­ons and thinking to stay somewhere near the surface today. This is a day of rest, and deep problem-solving conversati­ons are certainly not on your to-do list. You can create new subjects easily with all the interests you have. You will enjoy your friends today-you love to interact with them. There may be an occasion to teach someone how to write music or to put one of your poems to music. You appreciate change, variety and making local connection­s-there may be an open house or opening day for some new business. You have many avenues to explore this weekend and many positive things to accomplish. You are more attractive than usual. Intimacy with a person you love will go beyond the usual.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

Circumstan­ces may press you and tend to bring out the rebel in you. A little bicycle ride or just a change of scenery for a short while will help to bring your emotions back in balance. Self-control is the accepted and admired behavior, and you are able to respond in positive ways. Circumstan­ces work together to bring out your ideals-making it easier to make your dreams real. You are very original when it comes to home and surroundin­gs-the environmen­t you build around you. This could also manifest in new ideas for unusual ways of supporting yourself in the future. Get outside and be with friends this afternoon-enjoy a breath of fresh air! This evening, literature is on your mind. That book you want to write or read may hold your attention.

Aquarius (January 20- February 18)

There are changes around your household that may not be the most pleasant for you. Change would be easier if you could have more control. However, if you are paying for these changes, you have the power! This doesn't mean you could be bossy, but it does mean you could become more influentia­l with the price, color, style, etc. If you do not care about any of these, the changes will probably stay. Progressiv­e people and idealistic groups or concepts play an important role in your life. This may be a special day when you have been looking forward to a trip to a museum, art show or the opening night of a play where a family member is performing. You enjoy a bit of culture from time to time and this experience is special.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Everything points to your taking the lead in today's activities. You could feel great support from those around you. You feel healthy and natural. You will find that today is packed full of communicat­ion with friends, especially those you may not have seen in some time. Perhaps it is time for a reunion. Practical and effective ideas are the ones that make the most sense-putting them to good use is a focus for you. Material things are foremost on your mind in many respects; an emphasis on the real rather than the ideal. This is the time you may decide to install a porch instead of a deck. Now when company comes, there will be a place to put them. If it is a porch with wide windows, you will enjoy sitting out there for meditation­s.

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