Kuwait Times

Brothers in trouble


A wanted man got his brothers in trouble after police arrested him. He gave police the name of one of his brothers, then gave investigat­ors the name of another brother, before they realized he was lying. The Interior Ministry didn’t have the suspect’s fingerprin­t data.

5 suspects nabbed

Jahra detectives arrested five persons - three thieves who targeted farms, while the other two were caught by accident while selling liquor, and 45 bottles of imported liquor were found on them. Police arrested the three thieves and were taking them to the pens where they used to sell what they stole, when they noticed two cars with their trunks open. When police approached them, the suspects ran on foot, so detectives chased them down.

Wanted man arrested

Salwa police arrested a Syrian sentenced to 90 years in jail. The Syrian started running when a patrol came close to him, but police chased him on foot and caught him. The suspect claimed he did not have an ID on him. He was taken to the police station and his fingerprin­ts were taken. He was identified as wanted and sent to concerned authoritie­s.

Women exchange blows

Police broke up a fight between four women in a mall, with one taken to hospital for treatment. The fight started for unknown reasons. Policemen took the women’s IDs and asked them to go to the police station, where they all refused to reveal the reason behind the fight.

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