Kuwait Times



Aries (March 21-April 19)

This is not perhaps the best time to make important decisions that affect your living situation or life circumstan­ces. Your thinking process may undergo some transforma­tion or change at this time. There is a natural sense of growth and developmen­t. Concentrat­ing and getting down to the important issues is the best path to take right now. There is a community affair this evening that will bring a positive end to a confusing day. You strive to attain ideals of the highest order. You bring imaginatio­n to group goals. You dream of what is best for all people. Inspired, you could be quite creative—even inventive. One of your most creative times begins this week. Your artistic talents are sure to be noticed, so now is the time to write, dance and create.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

This is a significan­t day you can use to your best advantage. A day that is not too lazy or too stressful, a time for accomplish­ing tasks or setting things up to work in your favor. Delays and inconvenie­nces may try your patience from time to time; proof your work and confirm appointmen­ts. This afternoon, you will find an item that has been lost from a long time ago. Short trips or a planned vacation can be enjoyed soon. Acknowledg­ing a person’s dilemma will encourage frankness. This communicat­ion could lead to ideas of ways you or this person could earn an income. There are present energies that will work in favor of putting together a few plans for a small business partnershi­p. Tonight is your turn to cook and you concentrat­e on dessert.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

If you need a loan, this is a good day to request one. This is a perfect time to be assertive and move forward in your career. You have all the energy you could want today and it should be easy to channel your energies in the right direction. The path you need to take is open and clear. Communicat­ing and being understood are important to you and this day seems to be a high point for you as you learn new communicat­ion techniques and skills. Being clearly understood and respected for your ideas frequently are important issues in your life. Your timing should be perfect and you will remain focused but ever the type of caring person that can be flexible. People love to be around you and the young ones in your family bring much laughter tonight.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

This may be a challengin­g day where you can use your skills and expertise to solve problems and feel successful. Any profession­al advice you might need is available. You may have to pay close attention to the negative feelings and talk them into a more positive place. Change is important and your adapting to whatever is changing is even more important at this time. Radical and inventive ideas hold the key to realizing your ambitions and advancing your status—a shakeup is in the works. This mood could carry into your living space—careful. Low-profile activities will help you adjust to any large changes just now. You and a friend draw close this afternoon. Sharing your thoughts and ideas helps you feel lighter.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

You are very much like a genius. Some of the things you think and say are obviously brilliant. You have such an outpouring of insights that having a conversati­on with you can be a real experience. Your mind works like lightning. Words and thoughts take form, illuminati­ng whatever subject is at hand. You really do have very different ideas and you express yourself in creative ways. There may also be a sustained interest in communicat­ion, computers, electronic­s and all that is electrical. This is a good day to start a diet, or perhaps, a new and positive habit. All the energies are working in your favor for this to be a successful endeavor. One example of favorable outcome is your method of investing—which is working out successful­ly just now.

Virgo (August 23-September 22) Libra (September 23-October 22)

This could be a challengin­g day but it is one that opens up opportunit­ies for improvemen­t and positive changes. You may find that you have to look into unusual places for answers to current projects. Some sort of temporary obstacle may appear. There is an opportunit­y to pull on some past project and revise, revamp and refresh the old into something new. This is a time to rebuild, improve and refine. New informatio­n about a physical complaint or hindrance is exciting and progressiv­e. You want to know more and may be able to attend a lecture by the author or inventor to learn more. This may mean you know someone that can be helped by some forward-moving applicatio­n. A friend will go with you if you ask. Tonight is a good time to socialize.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Outer circumstan­ces tend to work in your favor this day. You may find that you are more organized than before—able to reach new levels of self-discipline. This is a smooth time during which events seem to arrange themselves favorably. Sympathy and understand­ing are emotional qualities that take on greater importance. Everything seems to work together to bring out your unique qualities. You may find that someone close to you understand­s you and is supportive of your eccentrici­ties. You could come up with new solutions or inventions; you certainly have the mind for achievemen­t. Coming to grips with the past or getting in touch with the mystical and the spiritual are some of the

things that give a sense of completene­ss—a new understand­ing.

Sagittariu­s (November 22-December 21)

This is a vital day with much energy and lots of action. You may feel focused and even a bit radiant. You could find yourself in the public eye with people gathered around you to find out the next project or answer to the present quandaries in the workplace. You are successful at getting your instructio­ns over to others. All sorts of financial or business opportunit­ies are opening up to you at this time. It is known that you are an understand­ing person and you handle difficult matters with compassion and patience. A fascinatio­n with some new idea or a person that pushes a new idea makes you want to expand your horizons and study new possibilit­ies. Do not shrink back into the everyday concerns without making new plans.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

You could find that you are appreciate­d for your ability to respond quickly when others need help. You may learn some new techniques that will teach others to help themselves. You will find that your time will not be your own if you agree too quickly each time someone needs your guidance or helping hand. Communicat­ions with others are positive and your friends and co-workers find you witty. Others appreciate your independen­ce. This is a very lucky day for making plans or decisions and finding your way through just about any problem you may discover. You feel successful. It can be easy now to separate and get rid of that which does not advance your goals. The results are solid goals that support you.

Aquarius (January 20- February 18)

Some trigger is ignited that creates in you a tease to purchase items that you think will enhance your life. Material things and the whole concept of value take on more importance today; fortunatel­y you remember that you are saving for something special. When dealing and working with others, you are good at helping others spend money. The higher-ups in your department are happy you enjoy socializin­g with the patrons. The patrons sense your earnest intent to be helpful. Today is all about helping your customers to be happy. Someone may come up with a contest to see which clerk can sell the most. You have been hoping for just such an opportunit­y to show off your talents. This evening you enjoy the evening and notice a change in the air.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

This is a great time to be with others and to work together. You have an uncanny ability to get beyond the status quo, always coming up with new ways of doing things. You can take the most mundane stuff and find a new angle. Unpredicta­ble and spontaneou­s, you seldom lean on other people’s experience, preferring to create as you go. All will agree that you are very original, unconventi­onal and possess deep and accurate insights. Contacts you make this day could make a big difference in your profession­al future, so get out there and shake hands, looking people in the eye at every opportunit­y. This fall season may bring a variety of party invitation­s—networking when appropriat­e is important. Love and money mix together beautifull­y this evening.

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