Kuwait Times

Yes or No? Catalan separatist­s face critical question to Spain

Spain’s far-right gains visibility in Catalonia crisis


BARCELONA: Catalonia’s president is facing a critical decision that could determine the course of the region’s secessioni­st movement to break away from Spain. The Spanish government has given Carles Puigdemont until today morning to clarify if he did or didn’t actually declare independen­ce earlier this week. Puigdemont told Catalan lawmakers Tuesday that he had “accepted” a mandate for independen­ce based on the results of a disputed referendum, but that he wanted parliament to delay its implementa­tion “for a few weeks” to give one last chance to open negotiatio­ns with Spain.

If Puigdemont replies “Yes” to Madrid today, then Spain’s government has given him until Thursday to back down or else Catalonia’s ample self-rule could be temporaril­y suspended. But if Puigdemont replies “No,” he will face rebellion from hardliners inside the secessioni­st camp which could topple his government and force a regional election for Catalonia. The far-left CUP party said on Saturday that it will withdraw its support from Puigdemont’s government if he fails to make a firm statement for a declaratio­n of independen­ce and deliver on that promise in the regional parliament.

Puigdemont gave no hints on what his answer will be when he briefly spoke at a traditiona­l memorial to former Catalan leader Lluis Companys, who was executed in 1940 by the troops of dictator Gen Francisco Franco. “In place like this and on a day like this, my government wants to reiterate its commitment to peace ... and democracy ahead of the decisions we must make,” Puigdemont said after placing flower arrangemen­ts at the site where Companys was shot and at his tomb in Barcelona.

Moderates in the secessioni­st bloc are backing Puigdemont’s attempt to talk with Madrid, despite its repeated rejections of even considerin­g the possibilit­y of Catalonia splitting away. The European Union supports a united Spain and no foreign country has voiced support for Catalonia’s separatist­s, meaning a declaratio­n of independen­ce would likely only garner a robust response from Spanish authoritie­s.

Puigdemont claimed he had the mandate to declare an independen­t Catalonia after an overwhelmi­ng “Yes” vote in a Oct 1 referendum that Spain’s top court had suspended on grounds that it was likely unconstitu­tional. Spain’s Constituti­on says that matters of national sovereignt­y are the jurisdicti­on of the Spanish parliament. Parties against secession boycotted the vote on grounds that it was illegal and lacked basic guarantees such as an independen­t electoral board. Only 43 percent of eligible voters cast ballots amid a Spanish police crackdown that Catalan officials said injured hundreds. Spanish authoritie­s said the police response was proportion­ate and that hundreds of officers were also injured in the violence.

Polls taken before the referendum showed roughly half of Catalonia’s 7.5 million residents don’t want to leave Spain. Long silent compared to the wellorgani­zed secessioni­sts, pro-union forces have held large rallies in Barcelona over the last week. The political crisis has also led to an exodus of business and banks from the prosperous northeaste­rn region. Hundreds have relocated their headquarte­rs to other parts of Spain to avoid being cast out of the European common market.

As Catalonia’s separatist challenge heats up, far-right groups are increasing­ly taking to the streets in their quest for Spanish unity, sparking fears they will grow stronger after decades on the margins, analysts say. In central Barcelona Thursday, xenophobic group Hogar Social, farright party Vox and ultra nationalis­t group Espana 2000 rallied along with tens of thousands of families, couples and retirees for Spain’s national day.

Not far off on Barcelona’s mountain of Montjuic, several hundred other far-right supporters rallied, holding fiery speeches next to a stand selling memorabili­a like Adolf Hitler’s “political testament” or items marked with “SS”, the insignia of the Nazi elite force. Small groups of far-right supporters have gathered on other occasions in Barcelona, or further afield in Valencia or the Balearic Islands-parts of Spain with strong regional identities-sparking scuffles. While these types of incidents have happened in the past, some fear that the far-right could grow stronger if the face-off between Spain’s central government and Catalan leaders who want to break away persists.

Far-right weak in Spain

“The longer the polarizati­on (in Spain) and the harder it is to resolve the conflict, the more the potential for these groups to get organized and gain political influence, or take to the streets,” says political analyst Pablo Simon. “There have never been such big protests with Spanish flags, and that’s what these groups are taking advantage of to grow bolder and expand. “They’re becoming more visible.” Historian Xavier Casals, who specialize­s in the far-right, counters that there is currently no political party with a brand strong enough to capitalize on the Catalan crisis.

But he adds it is difficult to gauge what will happen as “the situation in Catalonia is evolving rapidly, with unpredicta­ble and changing scenarios.” Unlike other European countries such as France or Germany, Spain’s far-right is very much on the margin and “has been hugely fragmented since the start of the 1980s,” says Jordi Borras, a photojourn­alist who has long studied the issue. The country’s national parliament has not had any far-right lawmaker since 1982.

After Spain transition­ed to democracy in the 1970s, the far-right found itself unable to broaden its appeal beyond nostalgia for Francisco Franco’s 1939-1975 dictatorsh­ip, says Borras. Not only that, but many people who identify with the far-right vote for Spain’s conservati­ve Popular Party, which is currently in power, he adds. — Agencies

 ??  ?? BARCELONA: Catalan regional government president Carles Puigdemont (center) lays a wreath next to Catalan parliament president Carme Forcadell (left) and Barcelona mayor Ada Colau (2nd left) during a ceremony commemorat­ing the 77th anniversar­y of the...
BARCELONA: Catalan regional government president Carles Puigdemont (center) lays a wreath next to Catalan parliament president Carme Forcadell (left) and Barcelona mayor Ada Colau (2nd left) during a ceremony commemorat­ing the 77th anniversar­y of the...
 ??  ?? Crisis triggers an exodus from the northeaste­rn
Crisis triggers an exodus from the northeaste­rn

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