Kuwait Times




1. A United States liquid unit equal to 8 fluid ounces.

4. Comic dramatist of ancient Rome (253?-184 BC).

11. Having or denoting a low vocal or instrument­al range.

15. Used of a single unit or thing.

16. Resembling or imitative of or suggestive of a man rather than a woman.

17. Causing a dull and steady pain.

18. A boy or man.

19. A member of the Algonquian people formerly living along the Tennessee river.

20. A port city in northweste­rn Algeria and the country's 2nd largest city.

21. City in eastern Belgium.

23. On or toward the lee.

24. The ratio of reflected to incident light.

26. Tropical American trees.

27. Feeling mild pleasurabl­e excitement.

28. Someone who works (or provides workers) during a strike.

30. Being ten more than one hundred forty.

32. A spot that is open late at night and that provides entertainm­ent (as singers or dancers) as well as dancing and food and drink.

38. A soft yellow malleable ductile (trivalent and univalent) metallic element.

39. Capital and largest city of Iraq.

41. A lipoprotei­n that transports cholestero­l in the blood.

44. A telegram sent abroad.

45. The capital and largest city of Bangladesh.

49. (Greek mythology) Goddess of the earth and mother of Cronus and the Titans in ancient mythology.

50. Minute freshwater crustacean having a round body enclosed in a transparen­t shell.

54. A radioactiv­e element of the actinide series.

56. American dwarf fan palms.

59. A very young child (birth to 1 year) who has not yet begun to walk or talk.

61. A thin tapered rod used by a conductor to direct an orchestra.

63. A Chadic language spoken south of Lake Chad.

67. A loose sleeveless outer garment made from aba cloth.

71. (British) Your grandmothe­r.

72. Of a light yellowish-brown color n 1.

73. One who anoints as a religious ceremony.

74. A branch of the Tai languages.

75. Late time of life.

76. A monastery for lamas.

77. An agency of the United Nations affiliated with the World Bank.


1. A telephone connection.

2. Relatively small fast-moving sloth.

3. A tricycle (usually propelled by pedalling).

4. A syndrome that occurs in many women from 2 to 14 days before the onset of menstruati­on.

5. An avalanche volcanic water and mud down the slopes of a volcano.

6. A collection of excerpts from a literary work.

7. Undergoing menstruati­on.

8. Infections of the skin or nails caused by fungi and appearing as itching circular patches.

9. The act of using.

10. Enclosed in a protective covering.

11. African tree having an exceedingl­y thick trunk and fruit that resembles a gourd and has an edible pulp called monkey bread.

12. Extensive landed property (especially in the country) retained by the owner for his own use.

13. Relative darkness caused by light rays being intercepte­d by an opaque body.

14. A council convened to discuss ecclesiast­ical business.

22. Cubes of meat marinated and cooked on a skewer usually with vegetables.

25. A soft heavy toxic malleable metallic element.

29. Any taillike structure.

31. Lower in esteem.

33. A gradual decline (in size or strength or power or number).

34. A public promotion of some product or service.

35. A region of Malaysia in northeaste­rn Borneo.

36. Deciduous trees with smooth usually silver-gray bark of North America and Europe and Asia.

37. Any of various types of fold formed by doubling fabric back upon itself and then pressing or stitching into shape.

40. A battle in the Napoleonic campaigns (1809).

42. A digital display that uses liquid crystal cells that change reflectivi­ty in an applied electric field.

43. Plant with an elongated head of broad stalked leaves resembling celery.

46. (law) A comprehens­ive term for any proceeding in a court of law whereby an individual seeks a legal remedy.

47. A genus of Cichlidae.

48. (Akkadian) God of wisdom.

51. A hemoprotei­n composed of globin and heme that gives red blood cells their characteri­stic color.

52. Small tree of dry open parts of southern Africa having erect angled branches suggesting candelabra.

53. A soft white precious univalent metallic element having the highest electrical and thermal conductivi­ty of any metal.

55. A clique that seeks power usually through intrigue.

57. An establishe­d line of travel or access.

58. Located inward.

60. An unofficial associatio­n of people or groups.

62. A large number or amount.

64. (prefix) Opposite or opposing or neutralizi­ng.

65. King of Saudi Arabia since 1982 (born in 1922).

66. Small buffalo of the Celebes having small straight horns.

68. A close friend who accompanie­s his buddies in their activities.

69. A nucleic acid that transmits genetic informatio­n from DNA to the cytoplasm.

70. Free from liquid or moisture.

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