Kuwait Times

Mountainee­r Reinhold Messner, and the art of not getting killed


Italian mountainee­r Reinhold Messner is perhaps one of the world’s last great adventurer­s: he has conquered the planet’s highest peaks, crossed Antarctica and hunted for the elusive Yeti. That he has lived to tell those tales, is mainly down to luck, he says. Now 73 years old with an unruly mop of grey hair and a full beard, the man who counts German Chancellor Angela Merkel as a walking buddy says he is always in pursuit of the next challenge.

“Life is about daring to carry out your ideas,” he told AFP in an interview at this week’s Frankfurt book fair. “And for me, it always comes back to the wilderness, nature, mountains.” One of the best-known living mountainee­rs, Messner became the first person to climb Mount Everest solo and without the help of bottled oxygen in 1980. He also became, in 1986, the first the scale the world’s 14 summits over 8,000 meters again without supplement­al oxygen.

Along the way, he has pioneered an extreme style of mountainee­ring known as alpinism, where climbers aim to reach the top with as little material and outside help as possible. “We were the first generation to say: we don’t need all that,” recalls Messner, who grew up in South Tyrol and started climbing at the age of five. But it is an art that is increasing­ly getting lost, he says, dismissing today’s climbers who rely on sherpas and ready-made routes to reach the peak.

“The true alpinist doesn’t want any infrastruc­ture, he wants to go into the wild. “And the odds of getting killed there are relatively high. And most people are sensible enough not to want that,” he laughs. “But the art of not getting killed is only an art if there’s a chance you could die,” he adds. “If I rule out the chance of getting killed in advance, the whole thing becomes a game, or tourism or consumeris­m.”


Messner’s own exploits have not been spared from tragedy. In 1970, his brother Guenther died as they were descending Pakistan’s “killer mountain” Nanga Parbat in bad weather. Messner himself lost seven toes to frostbite. His brother’s death prompted one of the most infamous rows in mountainee­ring history, which haunted Messner for decades. Other members in the expedition accused him of leaving his brother behind near the summit in a bid to become the first to ascend the mountain from one side and descent from the other.

It wasn’t until 2005 that Messner said he felt vindicated, when Guenther’s remains were recovered close to where he always insisted his brother had died in an avalanche. His daring feats have become the stuff of legend, but Messner who has a history of falling out with teammates and preferring to climb alone-says he has experience­d plenty of failures along the way too. “Around half of the top alpinists have died climbing,” he said. “Of course if I’m careful and turn back more often than the others, I can increase my chances of survival. But if I hadn’t been lucky a few times, I wouldn’t be here.”—AFP

 ??  ?? Italian explorer and mountainee­r, Reinhold Messner, poses during an interview with AFP journalist­s during the Frankfurt Book Fair 2017 in Frankfurt am Main. — AFP
Italian explorer and mountainee­r, Reinhold Messner, poses during an interview with AFP journalist­s during the Frankfurt Book Fair 2017 in Frankfurt am Main. — AFP

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