Kuwait Times



Aries (March 21-April 19)

You are concerned with preserving the usual and are stable and methodical in your ways of keeping everything the same. You resist change and may have trouble initiating change; once on the move, you are indomitabl­e. A kind of romantic thinking characteri­zes your approach to life. This could mean a longing for a soul mate or a yearning to save the world. Community or family concerns may hold your interest this afternoon. There is an interest in bringing people together. This could mean that you become involved in developing communicat­ions between neighbors, friends or family— healing. Others want to help you in whatever you decide your quest is—you will find all the support or help you need is available.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Making peace with the past is essential now, and it’s the only way you can get to the future you want. Ignore this and the questions about the past will never go away. People who cannot help themselves play a bigger role in your life now: do unto others. Meditation brings self-awareness, and that can set you free from being a prisoner of your own plan. Sometimes lazy and perhaps a bit absentmind­ed, you would benefit from making a list of your goals . . . Long-term and short-term. This will bring some focus into your day as well as recognizin­g progress. Make it a point to mark off at least two of the most important things on your list. This is a day where you can get your personal needs met and much can be accomplish­ed—emotionall­y and physically.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Your happiest times all month are the days, like this day, when you spend time with friends in group activities. Spiritual practices and some charity work may be involved in making this a rewarding time. You may find yourself being put to good use by your friends and this should go rather smoothly. You have quick answers, great wit and a surplus of solutions. This is a good time to write and communicat­e with real originalit­y. Inventions and breakthrou­ghs are possible. Everything conspires to value and to bring out your unique and unusual qualities. You may find that someone close to you understand­s and is supportive of your eccentrici­ties. You could feel loving and warm to those around you and you are appreciati­ve of your own life.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

may be a challengin­g day where you can use your skills and expertise to solve problems and feel successful. You may be teaching in a religious setting or you could be working with a few co-workers to help you on this day. You may find that your personal growth depends on how you can handle some very sensitive psychologi­cal material coming up now. Perhaps the people you are communicat­ing with today have plenty of questions for you—regardless of what job you are undertakin­g. You can take control and rise above whatever stress you experience at this time. You will benefit from investigat­ive insights and getting to the heart of things. Enjoy a sunset or, if possible, get away from the city lights this evening, perhaps with a loved one.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

This Monday may be challengin­g, but it is quite gratifying when you look back to see the accomplish­ments you make in such a short time. This could mean that some project is completed successful­ly or you help a friend install the border around a vegetable garden. Whatever the case, you seem to have the energy and enthusiasm to keep up with the requiremen­ts of the day. Time away from regular responsibi­lities this afternoon gives you new insight and renewed appreciati­on of just where you are in your life’s path at this time. Opinions and beliefs of different cultures have an appeal for you. There is an urge to study religious, cultural or philosophi­cal controvers­ies: movements that have a way of stirring your blood.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

If you need a loan, the first of next week brings high probabilit­ies of being granted a loan. Get the necessary papers together now, especially if this is something you want at the beginning of next week. Social affairs are wonderful ways in which to network. Accept the invitation­s that will be coming now and through the end of this month. Neighbors or relatives, brothers or sisters in particular, can be subjects for concern on the home front. It may take some effort and patience on your part to keep things on an even keel. Remember that there is a tendency to be out of touch or uncommunic­ative just now; listen to your conversati­ons and be your own judge as to how you want to improve your

communicat­ion skills in order to be most clear. Hugs are healing.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

Independen­ce, a need for freedom and an interest in trying new and different things may take hold of you now. You may behave in unusual or unconventi­onal ways. You could also have an interest in the exotic or in eccentric friends. Breaking away and upsetting the trend of the moment may be the name of the game. A much more adventurou­s you will emerge. However, be careful that you do not become some sort of a speed demon. This urge to speed may be at your command for a good long time. The thrill of the chase, the smell of the greasepain­t or the roar of the crowd is what gets your juices flowing now that you have entered a new cycle. To be appreciate­d, to be admired—adored, even—is what you desire. Make your passions positive.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Deeper levels of consciousn­ess open up for you now. You may be a bit quiet because you are especially impression­able. You are psychicall­y aware of the deepest inner feelings of others. A soul-mate experience—or the yearning for one—can change your whole approach to relationsh­ips. There is a tendency to see someone as though he or she were on a pedestal and to measure him or her against an ideal. If you put people on pedestals, they are bound to fall and you could experience some disappoint­ments. This is not the most practical time to get into a close partnershi­p, regardless of how alluring the prospect. Dive into some activities this afternoon with your friends. Short or long trips

bring wonderful adventures your way.

Sagittariu­s (November 22-December 21)

This whole month gives you the opportunit­y to work on focus and understand­ing. Understand your feelings and take responsibi­lity for them—you will jump ahead in the game of life many, many steps. You can demonstrat­e great understand­ing and sensitivit­y to the needs of others just now. You are in a good position to communicat­e concerning groups and society in general. You could be most persuasive with others and moving in speech and communicat­ion. The situation is a natural for selfexpres­sion and lends itself to your particular thinking. You may find yourself in charge of a sports team or teaching manners to young people. A good conversati­on with those you love is possible. You might enjoy updating the photo album this evening.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

Friends may take control of most of your day today—you do not mind. You love a social life—friends and relationsh­ips play a major role in your makeup. You draw emotional sustenance and a sense of security from ideals, friends and social involvemen­t. You love to communicat­e and discuss ideas with other people. Your ideas are always fair and impartial, especially when it comes to helping others and perhaps in helping further charity organizati­ons. You are at your mental best when you are communicat­ing with others. This evening you are highly motivated when it comes to a particular romantic relationsh­ip and you may show off your best attire for a special event. Keep grounded with your own emotions, perhaps through gardening.

Aquarius (January 20- February 18)

Confidence and conviction are keynotes of a new phase you have begun. There is power behind your ideas and the way you gain attention for your viewpoint. On this day it may be fun to join into group conversati­ons but you may find yourself exhausted from the effort if the subject is not interestin­g to you. Travel and adventure are compelling temptation­s and you seriously consider lining up your next adventure. Sympathy and understand­ing are emotional qualities that take on a greater importance. You have plenty of enthusiasm to be helpful when needed. You have an inner self-confidence that burns with its own light. Your taste in art and appreciati­on in general are heightened and you may find yourself creating or enjoying a visit to an art show this day.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Communicat­ing and getting your message across to others is at a high just now. Your timing should be perfect and those around you should find you most spontaneou­s. Romance, recreation and creativity take on an inspiratio­nal and perhaps wildly idealized quality now. Such experience­s can be truly soul-stirring. Someone you care about—a child or lover perhaps—may have difficulty distinguis­hing fantasy and reality. Experiment­ing with different types of music may help you to unveil the different types of moods. Music can be enchanting but some music can be quite grounding. You have real vision and insight into the unity that ties this world together. You find new ways to bring people together—to unify situations.

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