Kuwait Times




1. Gone by.

4. Any plant of the genus Astilbe having compound leaves and showy panicles of tiny colorful flowers.

11. Money in the form of bills or coins.

15. An anxiety disorder characteri­zed by chronic free-floating anxiety and such symptoms as tension or sweating or trembling of light-headedness or irritabili­ty etc that has lasted for more than six months.

16. Resembling or characteri­stic of or appropriat­e to an elegy.

17. Make amends for.

18. Fermented alcoholic beverage similar to but heavier than beer.

19. The process of rememberin­g (especially the process of recovering informatio­n by mental effort).

20. Buildings for carrying on industrial labor.

21. Any expected deliverer.

23. A public promotion of some product or service.

24. United States writer (born in Poland) who wrote in Yiddish (1880-1957).

25. A Native American who lived in what is now southern Colorado and Utah and northern Arizona and New Mexico and who built cliff dwellings.

26. Annual or perennial herbs with large leaves that resemble the leaves of cabbages.

29. Someone who plies a trade.

31. The cry made by sheep.

34. A confusion of voices and other sounds.

39. A loose sleeveless outer garment made from aba cloth.

40. A sharply directiona­l antenna.

43. Any of various insects that feed and form galls on conifers.

46. A motor vehicle with two wheels and a strong frame.

48. An informal term for a father.

50. Type genus of the Alcidae comprising solely the razorbill.

51. Inability to perceive written words.

53. Concerned with worldly rather than spiritual interests.

56. The unit of plane angle adopted under the System Internatio­nal d'Unites.

58. Equipped with or connected by gears or having gears engaged.

59. A condensed but memorable saying embodying some important fact of experience that is taken as true by many people.

63. Tree of the West Indies and northern South America bearing succulent edible orange-sized fruit.

66. A island in the Netherland­s Antilles that is the top of an extinct volcano.

69. Toward the mouth or oral region.

70. The capital and largest city of Norway.

74. The quality of a color as determined by its dominant wavelength.

75. The function or position properly or customaril­y occupied or served by another.

76. Quandong trees.

77. A human limb.

78. A large number or amount.

79. Impressive in appearance.

80. Brief episode in which the brain gets insufficie­nt blood supply.


1. Small terrestria­l lizard of warm regions of the Old World.

2. Greek anatomist whose theories formed the basis of European medicine until the Renaissanc­e (circa 130-200).

3. A port city of south central Ukraine on an arm of the Black Sea.

4. In an aerial manner.

5. Of cloth.

6. A technician who is highly proficient and enthusiast­ic about some technical field (especially computing).

7. One of the most common of the five major classes of immunoglob­ulins.

8. Of a pale purple color.

9. (Norse mythology) God of light and peace and noted for his beauty and sweet nature.

10. An internatio­nal organizati­on of European countries formed after World War II to reduce trade barriers and increase cooperatio­n among its members.

11. West Indian tree having racemes of fragrant white flowers and yielding a durable timber and resinous juice.

12. Lower in esteem.

13. Make synchronou­s and adjust in time or manner.

14. The 8th letter of the Hebrew alphabet.

22. A rare chronic progressiv­e encephalit­is caused by the measles virus and occurring primarily in children and young adults.

27. The blood group whose red cells carry both the A and B antigens.

28. (trademark) A liquid that temporaril­y disables a person.

30. Scottish philosophe­r of common sense who opposed the ideas of David Hume (1710-1796).

32. A city in central New York.

33. Of or relating to the feet.

35. A promontory in northern Morocco opposite the Rock of Gibraltar.

36. Dried out by heat or excessive exposure to sunlight.

37. A soft silvery metallic element of the alkali earth group.

38. Large sweet juicy hybrid between tangerine and grapefruit having a thick wrinkled skin.

41. A city in southern Turkey on the Seyhan River.

42. A rare silvery (usually trivalent) metallic element.

44. Evergreen tree of eastern Asia and Philippine­s having large leathery leaves and small green-white flowers in compact cymes.

45. A city in southern Texas on the Rio Grande.

47. Extremely scanty.

49. Red Asian weaverbird­s often kept as cage birds.

52. The United Nations agency concerned with atomic energy.

54. A radioactiv­e element of the actinide series.

55. The 7th letter of the Greek alphabet.

57. A distensibl­e membranous sac (usually containing liquid or gas).

60. A Buddhist who has attained nirvana.

61. A benevolent aspect of Devi.

62. Swelling from excessive accumulati­on of serous fluid in tissue.

64. A genus of European owls.

65. (Scottish) A narrow secluded valley (in the mountains).

67. Denuded of leaves.

68. Any group or radical of the form RCOwhere R is an organic group.

71. The foot of a human being.

72. A groove or furrow (especially one in soft earth caused by wheels).

73. A branch of the Tai languages.

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