Kuwait Times

Women achievemen­ts continue to inspire younger generation­s


KUWAIT: The Arab Woman Awards took places recently in Kuwait, during which several stateswome­n were awarded for their contributi­ons in business, education, art, humanitari­an action and various other fields.

Sarah Abushaar delivered a speech during the event, in which she underlined the important role that women have played in human history. “History and humanity are rich in the stories of leading women who transforme­d their worlds — indeed our world at large — and pioneered a path for the generation­s. But their monumental gains were not without monumental challenge,” she said.

Sarah spoke about being taught by her parents from a young age about women’s achievemen­ts in various fields in the region. “When you grow up hearing of all these incredible women, women whose names were preceded by the label ‘she was the first’ or ‘she is the only’.. women who consistent­ly broke the molds and defied expectatio­ns.. that has a very powerful effect. You made the improbable seem possible and within reach,” she indicated. “You served as constant proof to the young version of me that ‘yes we can!’ no matter what the probabilit­ies said.”

According to Sarah, Kuwait is no stranger to the pivotal role of women in our society. “[Kuwait] is historical­ly home to some of the most active and progressiv­e women in our region and some of the biggest bright spots of female attainment,” she said.

“As it relates to economic participat­ion, our female labor force participat­ion rate at 53 percent, is the highest in the GCC region,” she pointed out. “As it relates to educationa­l attainment, Kuwait University sees more female graduates than male counterpar­ts and our women are among the earliest and most educated of the region. When it comes to political participat­ion, through your activism and persistent calls for progress, you spearheade­d significan­t reform to expand our political franchise in 2005 to encompass your crucial voice with the major victory of women’s rights to vote and to run for office, which was an important gain in Kuwait’s broader democratic experiment. When it comes to civil society, we have one of the most vibrant and robust civic societies in the Middle East today and your work and efforts are a large part of the strength of our social infrastruc­ture.”

Sarah also quoted President of the IMF Christine Lagarde, who said during her visit to the country in 2013 that: “When it comes to the role of women, I know that Kuwait is a regional role model. Kuwait is home to some of the brightest, most educated, most creative women in the world.”

Sarah concluded her speech with on an optimistic tone, addressing the honored women by saying: “Tomorrow, somewhere across Kuwait, a young girl might be sitting in her home’s living room, her parents will have opened the newspaper and will be pointing to you here, today... And in hearing about your story, in some way, that girl will start to build her aspiration­s.. her dreams around your inspiratio­n and example. And one day that young girl may be standing here, thanks in no small part, to you.”

 ??  ?? Sarah Abushaar poses with her parents.
Sarah Abushaar poses with her parents.
 ??  ?? KUWAIT: Sarah Abushaar delivers her speech.
KUWAIT: Sarah Abushaar delivers her speech.

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