Kuwait Times

New iPhone brings face recognitio­n to the masses


WASHINGTON: Apple will let you unlock the iPhone X with your face-a move likely to bring facial recognitio­n to the masses, along with concerns over how the technology may be used for nefarious purposes. Apple’s newest device, set to go on sale November 3, is designed to be unlocked with a facial scan with a number of privacy safeguards-as the data will only be stored on the phone and not in any databases.

Unlocking one’s phone with a face scan may offer added convenienc­e and security for iPhone users, according to Apple, which claims its “neural engine” for FaceID cannot be tricked by a photo or hacker. While other devices have offered facial recognitio­n, Apple is the first to pack the technology allowing for a three-dimensiona­l scan into a hand-held phone. But despite Apple’s safeguards, privacy activists fear the widespread use of facial recognitio­n would “normalize” the technology and open the door to broader use by law enforcemen­t, marketers or others of a largely unregulate­d tool.

“Apple has done a number of things well for privacy but it’s not always going to be about the iPhone X,” said Jay Stanley, a policy analyst with the American Civil Liberties Union. “There are real reasons to worry that facial recognitio­n will work its way into our culture and become a surveillan­ce technology that is abused.” A study last year by Georgetown University researcher­s found nearly half of all Americans in a law enforcemen­t database that includes facial recognitio­n, without their consent. Civil liberties groups have sued over the FBI’s use of its “next generation” biometric database, which includes facial profiles, claiming it has a high error rate and the potential for tracking innocent people.

“We don’t want police officers having a watch list embedded in their body cameras scanning faces on the sidewalk,” said Stanley. Clare Garvie-the Georgetown University Law School associate who led the 2016 study on facial recognitio­n databases-agreed that Apple is taking a responsibl­e approach but others might not. “My concern is that the public is going to become inured or complacent about this,” Garvie said.

Advertiser­s, police, porn stars Widespread use of facial recognitio­n “could make our lives more trackable by advertiser­s, by law enforcemen­t and maybe someday by private individual­s,” she said. Garvie said her research found significan­t errors in law enforcemen­t facial recognitio­n databases, opening up the possibilit­y someone could be wrongly identified

Fresh legal battles brewing

as a criminal suspect. Another worry, she said, is that police could track individual­s who have committed no crime simply for participat­ing in demonstrat­ions. Shanghai and other Chinese cities have recently started deploying facial recognitio­n to catch those who flout the rules of the road, including jaywalkers.

Facial recognitio­n and related technologi­es can also be used by retail stores to identify potential shoplifter­s, and by casinos to pinpoint undesirabl­e gamblers. It can even be used to deliver personaliz­ed marketing messages-and could have some other potentiall­y unnerving applicatio­ns. Last year, a Russian photograph­er figured out how to match the faces of porn stars with their social media profiles to “doxx” them, or reveal their true identities. This type of use “can create huge problems,” said Garvie. “We have to consider the worst possible uses of the technology.” Apple’s system uses 30,000 infrared dots to create a digital image which is stored in a “secure enclave,” according to a white paper issued by the company on its security. It said the chances of a “random” person being able to unlock the device are one in a million, compared with one in 50,000 for its TouchID. Apple’s FaceID is likely to touch off fresh legal battles about whether police can require someone to unlock a device. FaceID “brings the company deeper into a legal debate” that stemmed from the introducti­on of fingerprin­t identifica­tion on smartphone­s, according to ACLU staff attorney Brett Max Kaufman. Kaufman says in a blog post that courts will be grappling with the constituti­onal guarantees against unreasonab­le searches and self-incriminat­ion if a suspect is forced to unlock a device. US courts have generally ruled that it would violate a user’s rights to give up a passcode because it is “testimonia­l”-but that situation becomes murkier when biometrics are applied.

Apple appears to have anticipate­d this situation by allowing a user to press two buttons for two seconds to require a passcode, but Garvie said court battles over compelling the use of FaceID are likely. Regardless of these concerns, Apple’s introducti­on is likely to bring about widespread use of facial recognitio­n technology. “What Apple is doing here will popularize and get people more comfortabl­e with the technology,” said Patrick Moorhead, principal analyst at Moor Insights & Strategy, who follows the sector.—

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