Kuwait Times

Central Asia terror suspects, attackers radicalize­d abroad


BISHKEK: When Sayfullo Saipov used a truck to mow people down on a New York street, ultimately killing eight according to terror charges, he guaranteed his former homeland Uzbekistan would receive the worst kind of headlines. People from ex-Soviet Central Asia have been at the heart of high-profile attacks this year in the United States, Russia, Sweden and Turkey. Yet Saipov, according to official accounts, came into contact with radical Islamic ideologies not in the country of his birth, but in the one he adopted seven years ago: the US.

Saipov moved to America in 2010 under a visa program-President Donald Trump’s response to Tuesday’s attack was to announce tougher vetting for immigrants. “Most of these attackers come from rather secular background­s and tend to radicalize in their country of destinatio­n rather than origin,” said Yan Matusevich, research officer at the Vienna-headquarte­red Internatio­nal Centre for Migration Policy Developmen­t. Thousands of former residents of the region’s five countries known as the “stans” - Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenist­an and Uzbekistan have joined the ranks of the Islamic State group in Syria and Iraq since 2011. However incidents involving violent extremism at home have been relatively rare.

Global form of radicaliza­tion

But if one single theme does link the Central Asia-born assailants of very different background­s accused of attacks this year in New York, Istanbul, Saint Petersburg and Stockholm, it is migration. Uzbek national Abdulgadir Masharipov, who killed 39 people in a January 1 attack on a nightclub in Istanbul had lived and trained as a militant in Afghanista­n and Pakistan, according to Turkish authoritie­s. Another Uzbek, Rakhmat Akilov, who ploughed a truck into a crowd of pedestrian­s in Stockholm in April, killing five, was a failed asylum seeker reportedly at risk of deportatio­n.

Akbarjon Djalilov, identified as the 22-year-old bomber behind the Saint Petersburg metro blast in April that killed 16 people including himself was born in Kyrgyzstan but left for Russia with his family aged 17. While the series of attacks appear to form a “Central Asian pattern” Matusevich argues they are part of “a broader, more global form of radicalisa­tion” and the attackers’ “actual life situations were quite diverse”. Saipov worked as an Uber driver in New Jersey. Uzbekistan’s government has said that there was nothing to indicate he was an extremist before leaving. Saipov was described by his former neighbors in the capital Tashkent “in very positive terms”, said the government’s statement on Wednesday. —AFP

 ??  ?? NEW YORK: Men pray in the Eyup Cultural Center mosque which has a large number of Uzbek and Turkish worshipper­s from the Brighton Beach section of Brooklyn in New York City. —AFP
NEW YORK: Men pray in the Eyup Cultural Center mosque which has a large number of Uzbek and Turkish worshipper­s from the Brighton Beach section of Brooklyn in New York City. —AFP

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