Kuwait Times

US police aid immigratio­n officials in crackdown


Dozens of police department­s in the United States have been granted new powers, or are seeking them, to check the immigratio­n status of people they arrest, aiding President Donald Trump’s broad crackdown on people living in the country illegally. Since Trump took office in January, 29 department­s have joined a special program under which they are deputized to perform some tasks of immigratio­n agents, doubling its size in 10 months, according to the Immigratio­n and Customs Enforcemen­t (ICE) agency. And the administra­tion hopes that is just the beginning.

Documents obtained through a Freedom of Informatio­n Act request show that the administra­tion has also had contact with scores of additional jurisdicti­ons about the program, and 38 of those told Reuters in interviews they have submitted applicatio­ns for the program or are potentiall­y interested in joining.

The program, known as 287(g), deputizes local officers trained by ICE to use federal records to vet arrestees they suspect of being in the country illegally and then turn them over to federal agents if they are. The Department of Homeland Security has said in the past that police forces taking part in the program have flagged tens of thousands of people for deportatio­n. The broad expansion of the program comes as Trump seeks to accelerate arrests and deportatio­ns of people living in the United States illegally. The large number of department­s expressing interest in the program has not been previously reported.

Most of the police department­s that have joined, or are seeking to join, the program have relatively small population­s, typically fewer than 100,000 residents, with small immigrant population­s. In contrast, the roughly three dozen so-called “sanctuary cities” that have limited their cooperatio­n on immigratio­n enforcemen­t have a median population of half a million people and larger foreign-born population­s, according to a Reuters analysis.

Under President Barack Obama, the 287(g) program was downsized and its funding reduced amid concerns that some participat­ing police department­s were overzealou­s in their targeting of Latinos. Critics also said it eroded trust of police in immigrant communitie­s. By the end of fiscal year 2016 only 32 agreements were left in place, down from a peak in 2010 when some 70 jurisdicti­ons were participat­ing. Today, 60 department­s in 18 states participat­e.

Three-quarters of the agencies that have already signed 287(g) agreements or are interested in doing so are in counties that voted for Trump in 2016, according to a Reuters analysis of electoral data. ICE would not confirm which jurisdicti­ons had shown interest until they had signed agreements. An ICE official, who asked not to be named, said interest increased after Trump took office and signed an executive order that included expanding support for the program.

Town vs city

The township of Bensalem, Pennsylvan­ia, just half an hour up the road from Philadelph­ia, is one of those hoping to join the 287(g) program. Fred Harran, director of public safety in the city of 60,000, says that any immigrant in the country illegally who commits a crime, even a misdemeano­r like shopliftin­g or possession of a small amount of drugs, should be considered for deportatio­n, and he welcomes help from ICE. “If deporting you out of this country when you commit a crime is a tool at my disposal, you are darn right I am going to use it,” Harran said.

In neighborin­g Philadelph­ia, police commission­er Richard Ross Jr. favors a different approach. Like many police chiefs in large cities with significan­t immigrant population­s, he wants immigrant residents to feel comfortabl­e cooperatin­g with authoritie­s to solve crimes. While Philadelph­ia and other big cities say they will turn over serious criminals to ICE, they do not believe local police should be doing the work of federal immigratio­n agents.

“There’s no way in the world that you would want to come forward as a source of informatio­n if you believe you are in jeopardy of being deported,” Ross testified at a court hearing in October. Philadelph­ia is suing the Trump administra­tion over its threats to cut federal funding to sanctuary cities.

In Bensalem, Harran says he first reached out to ICE about joining 287(g) during Obama’s presidency. But in 2012, Obama ended the part of the program he had hoped to join. It had allowed local officers out on patrol to question and arrest people suspected of violating immigratio­n laws. Obama left in place the part of the program Trump has now expanded. In a February memo, then-Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly said ICE would consider bringing back the discontinu­ed part of the program. An ICE official familiar with the program said he was “unaware of any plans right now” to revive it.

Money-making opportunit­y? Once a jurisdicti­on is approved for the 287(g) program, it designates local personnel to be trained at a federal facility. Local jurisdicti­ons pay for travel, housing, and expenses for officers during training. ICE pays to install its databases and other technology in local offices for certified officers to use. Cities not participat­ing in the program can still approach ICE if they have suspicions about arrestees, but the process can be time consuming and cumbersome.

Participat­ing jurisdicti­ons also, as part of their agreement with ICE, have the option of signing separate contracts to house immigrant detainees for a fee. “It’s an opportunit­y to make money for a county that is facing economic hardship,” said Chris Kleinberg, the sheriff of Dakota County, Nebraska. He said it has applied to be part of the program. Of the 98 jurisdicti­ons that have existing agreements or are interested in getting them, at least 27 already house people for ICE, according to ICE data through April 2017. Some police department­s, however, have backed down from their support of 287(g) in the face of

political pressure. Orange County, the only place participat­ing in program in California, will end its agreement on Jan. 1 following the passage of a statewide ‘sanctuary bill,’ which prevents police from inquiring about people’s immigratio­n status throughout California, said Ray Grangoff from the sheriff’s department.

Concerns about program

ICE says the 287(g) program increases the number of immigrants it is able to deport. A 2010 report from the DHS inspector general said the program accounted for “a significan­t portion of nationwide ICE removal activity.” In fiscal year 2008 for example, 287(g) officers identified 33,831 immigrants for deportatio­n, or 9.5 percent of all removals during that period, the report said.

Detractors question the program’s value. A 2011 study of seven 287(g) jurisdicti­ons by the Washington-based nonpartisa­n think tank Migration Policy Institute found the program did not target the most serious criminals and led to an increase in immigrants’ mistrust of local authoritie­s. The study found that in the first 10 months of fiscal year 2010, half of the immigrants flagged to ICE in the 287(g) jurisdicti­ons had committed misdemeano­rs, including immigratio­n violations that are often civil not criminal offenses.

“Many of the immigrants who are arrested in traffic stops or for loitering are not the real threats to public safety,” said Chris Rickerd from the American Civil Liberties Union. In November, the ACLU identified 14 jails and counties applying for the program as having had problems in the past, including poor detention conditions or accusation­s of racial bias.

One such place is Alamance County, North Carolina, which had its 287(g) program terminated in 2012. The Justice Department sued Sheriff Terry Johnson that year over allegation­s his office discrimina­ted against Latinos at traffic stops and checkpoint­s. At trial, the department presented evidence that officers used derogatory terms like “wetback” and “taco eater,” which the sheriff’s office denied. —Reuters

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