Kuwait Times

Trump loses his big bet on Alabama race


In backing Roy Moore in Alabama’s US Senate race even though the candidate faced allegation­s of sexual misconduct with teenage girls, President Donald Trump made a risky bet - and lost big. The victory by Democrat Doug Jones over the Republican Moore in the Alabama special election on Tuesday was a catastroph­e for Trump, portending a Democratic wave next year that could cost Republican­s control of one or both houses of Congress.

The stakes in Alabama were that high. Democrats already were confident they had a strong chance to retake the US House of Representa­tives in next year’s congressio­nal elections. Jones’ narrow victory increases their once-long odds of retaking control of the Senate as well. If Democrats were to recapture both chambers, they would serve as a check on Trump’s agenda and might even initiate impeachmen­t proceeding­s against him.

“That Republican­s lost in one of the most Republican states in the nation is a wake-up call no matter how flawed their candidate was,” said Jesse Ferguson, a Democratic strategist and former aide to Democrat Hillary Clinton’s presidenti­al campaign. Democrats never expected to have a chance in Alabama, where they had not won a US Senate race in 25 years. But the combinatio­n of Trump’s unpopulari­ty, the sexual misconduct allegation­s that erupted against Moore in November, and Trump’s enthusiast­ic support of him anyway gave them the opportunit­y, experts said.

“Trump was the one who got Jones within firing range, and Moore allowed Jones to win,” said Kyle Kondik, a political analyst at the University of Virginia. Even as Democrats lost several special congressio­nal elections this year, they consistent­ly showed higher levels of turnout and engagement, which is attributab­le to Trump, Kondik said.

Trump Referendum?

The Alabama race showed there were limits both to Trump’s endorsemen­t power and his judgment. Even as senior Republican­s urged Trump to abandon Moore, the president decided instead in the campaign’s final days to throw the full weight of his office behind him. In the end, that was not enough, and early turnout reports suggested that many Republican­s stayed home. Moreover, despite the sexual misconduct allegation­s against Moore, the race near the end increasing­ly seemed to become about the president. Moore’s camp this week said the contest was specifical­ly a referendum on Trump and his presidency. “It is Donald Trump on trial in Alabama,” Dean Young, a strategist for Moore, told ABC News.

Trump congratula­ted Jones on Twitter “on a hard fought victory” and added: “Republican­s will have another shot at this seat in a very short period of time.” The loss was also a body blow to Steve Bannon, Trump’s former top strategist, who backed Moore in the primary against the Republican incumbent, Luther Strange, because he viewed Moore as a more reliable ally. Bannon also frequently characteri­zed the race as less about Alabama and more about furthering Trump’s economic nationalis­t agenda.

Bannon is looking to wage an insurgency against the Republican establishm­ent in the 2018 congressio­nal elections, particular­ly Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, who condemned Moore after several women accused him of unwanted sexual contact when they were in their teens and he was in his 30s. Moore, 70, has denied the allegation­s, and Reuters has not independen­tly verified them.

Anti-Establishm­ent Beyond Moore, Bannon is supporting anti-establishm­ent candidates such as Kelli Ward in Arizona, Danny Tarkanian in Nevada and Kevin Nicholson in Wisconsin, all of whom oppose McConnell staying on as Senate leader. Bannon also may ultimately support challenges against sitting Republican­s in Mississipp­i and Wyoming. But Moore’s loss seems certain to dampen that effort, and Republican­s who fear losing control of Congress may be even less likely to back outsider candidates who may turn off mainstream voters. It is now an open question whether Trump will inject himself into more Republican primaries, given his setback in Alabama. “When you nominate candidates who are unqualifie­d and an embarrassm­ent to the party, you run the risk of ruining your entire brand,” said Josh Holmes, a Republican consultant and close ally of McConnell. Bannon’s supporters say rankand-file Republican voters are more likely to blame McConnell, not Bannon, for the loss in Alabama, arguing that McConnell and his well-resourced Senate Leadership Fund did nothing to help Moore.

McConnell “actively opposed the Republican candidate in Alabama and threatened our Senate majority by helping to put a liberal Democrat in that seat,” said Andy Surabian, a former Bannon protÈgÈ who now advises a pro-Trump advocacy group, Great America Alliance. Even with the Alabama win, Democrats face a significan­t challenge next year if they are to take control of the Senate.

They must defend 10 incumbents in states that were won by Trump and they must gain two seats currently held by Republican­s. Their best opportunit­ies to secure those seats lie in Arizona and Nevada, and perhaps Tennessee.

Democrats need 24 seats to retake the House, but that is viewed as a more realistic goal because of the number of congressio­nal districts where they are competitiv­e, particular­ly in suburban areas. Brian Walsh, president of another pro-Trump group, America First Policies, said Trump could not be blamed for Moore’s loss, arguing that the president’s late endorsemen­t almost won the race for Moore, a deeply flawed candidate. “He was trying to push a boulder up a hill,” Walsh said. —Reuters

He was trying to push a boulder up a hill

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 ?? AFP ?? Republican Senatorial candidate Roy Moore arrives on stage to speak about the race against his Democratic opponent Doug Jones in Montgomery, Alabama.—
AFP Republican Senatorial candidate Roy Moore arrives on stage to speak about the race against his Democratic opponent Doug Jones in Montgomery, Alabama.—
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