Kuwait Times

WTO struggles to hone global trade vision after US turnabout


BUENOS AIRES: Trade ministers looked set to wrap up their biennial World Trade Organizati­on (WTO) meeting without having reached a single agreement yesterday, still reeling from criticism brought by the United States, once the WTO’s driving force. The ministers gathered in Buenos Aires were never expected to agree great reforms, with relatively minor and unrelated proposals on the table, including discussion­s on fishing subsidies and e-commerce.

But a discordant interventi­on by US Trade Representa­tive Robert Lighthizer on the first morning effectivel­y left the conference

adrift, since the WTO requires consensusu­nanimity among all 164 members-to reach any agreement. Even the perfunctor­y joint ministeria­l statement looked uncertain.

Driven by President Donald Trump’s “America First” strategy and a preference for bilateral deals, the United States had already blocked ambassador­s from drafting a text in Geneva, rejecting references to the WTO’s central role in the global trading system and to trade as a driver of developmen­t. WTO spokesman Keith Rockwell told reporters that the chairwoman of the conference, Argentina’s former foreign minister Susana Malcorra, was still hoping to get ministers to agree on one text later yesterday. “There still seems to be significan­t gaps. Whether they can find wording that can bridge those gaps I don’t know,” Rockwell said.

The failure to reach any major deals means that negotiatio­ns on the same topics will continue into 2018, with no deadline and no heavyweigh­t ministeria­l momentum to get agreement.

“It’s very appropriat­e to stay at this stage

that we are in a forward-looking mode,” Rockwell said. “The focus of most of the work here is on work programs, and while there is disappoint­ment that we couldn’t get a little further in terms of concrete outcomes, being able to nail down an effective work program is very important.”

Lighthizer told the WTO ministers on Monday that it was impossible to negotiate new rules while many of the current rules were not being followed, and that the WTO was losing its focus and becoming too litigation-focused.

He said the WTO should make markets more efficient, reducing overcapaci­ty and the influence of state-owned enterprise­s, widely seen as a swipe at China.Many trade experts disagree with parts of his analysis and are dismayed that the United States is vetoing new judicial appointmen­ts at the WTO, which has plunged the settlement of trade disputes into crisis.

Ministers who followed Lighthizer onto the podium offered widespread support for the global trading system, with the WTO at its heart.— Reuters

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