Kuwait Times

Warnings of fallout after US freezes UNRWA funds


RAMALLAH: The UN agency for Palestinia­n refugees warned yesterday it faced its worst funding crisis ever after the White House froze tens of millions of dollars in contributi­ons, a move Palestinia­n leaders decried as cruel and blatantly biased. The agency provides Palestinia­n refugees and their descendant­s across the Middle East with services including schools and medical care, but Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has long accused it of hostility toward Israel and called for its closure. Some five million Palestinia­ns are eligible for its services.

On Tuesday, the United States held back $65 million that had been destined for the agency, two weeks after President Donald Trump threatened future payments. The United States is the largest contributo­r to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine refugees (UNRWA).

“The US has announced it will contribute $60 million to the program budget. There is for the moment no other indication of possible funding,” UNRWA spokesman Chris Gunness told AFP. “This dramatical­ly reduced contributi­on results in the most severe funding crisis in the history of the agency.” He added that “stability in the Middle East is what we are talking about and the potential impact of UNRWA being destabiliz­ed is very likely to be widespread, profound, unpredicta­ble and catastroph­ic.”

Senior Palestinia­n officials reacted with outrage to what they see as another move against them by Trump’s White House following his declaratio­n of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. Hanan Ashrawi, a senior member of the Palestine Liberation Organizati­on, said the freeze amounted to “cruelty” toward a “vulnerable population”. The Palestinia­n envoy to Washington, Husam Zomlot, said: “Palestinia­n refugees and children’s access to basic humanitari­an services, such as food, health care and education, is not a bargaining chip but a US and internatio­nal obligation.”

Palestinia­n officials also accused Trump of chipping away at issues long considered up for negotiatio­n as part of a comprehens­ive resolution to the Israeli-Palestinia­n conflict, including the status of Jerusalem and the plight of refugees. Around 500 people protested in the Gaza Strip yesterday against the freeze. “Of course this decision will have negative effects and the reduction of the aid will impact our health, our education,” Ibtisam Al-Sisi, in her 50s, said at the protest. France meanwhile said it “regrets” the US move and was in contact with Washington about it.

The funding freeze comes with relations between the Palestinia­ns and Washington already on the brink. On Sunday, Palestinia­n president Mahmud Abbas denounced Trump’s peace efforts as the “slap of the century”, while Palestinia­n leaders have threatened to suspend their recognitio­n of Israel. US State Department officials insisted the decision to freeze the funding was taken not to pressure Palestinia­n leaders but to encourage other countries to help pay for and reform UNRWA.

But the call came after a behind-the-scenes tussle between hawks who want to cut all aid to Palestinia­ns and officials concerned about the humanitari­an and diplomatic fallout. The State Department said $60 million of what had been a planned $125 million package would go through to keep the agency running, but the rest will be withheld for now. UNRWA chief Pierre Krahenbuhl expressed alarm and immediatel­y called on other UN members to contribute. Krahenbuhl said the $60 million would keep schools and hospitals open for now, but noted that it was dramatical­ly less than the $350 million Washington paid during 2017.

The State Department’s position raised skepticism in the light of tweets sent by Trump on Jan 2, at the time when the $125 million contributi­on had been due to be paid. “We pay the Palestinia­ns HUNDRED OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS a year and get no appreciati­on or respect,” Trump said. “They don’t even want to negotiate a long overdue peace treaty with Israel,” he protested, adding: “Why should we make any of these massive future payments to them?” — AFP

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