Kuwait Times



Aries (March 21-April 19)

Aries, unique designs and ideas are most attractive to you now as you cast away the old, outmoded things in your life. You will have the urge to separate yourself from mean, trivial people who enjoy creating drama out of nothing. You long to be with more like-minded people who like to discuss solutions rather than people; a new smile will brighten your day. Getting out and about will create opportunit­ies for less than traditiona­l romance and new friends with avant-garde attitudes. This is a positive window of times for looking ahead regarding your work conditions; be proactive and you will be rewarded. Where finances are concerned you are on a clear path to success. You will figure out what is going on with someone you see often, aries.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Taurus, a disagreeme­nt will cause distance between you and a formerly close friend. This could be a result of difference in thinking regarding impractica­lity. The cycle you have come into will push you away from all that doesn t support and advance projects and life in general. You are interested in only solid evidence and factual truths; the rest could just go to heck in a hand basket as far as you re concerned. Ideas involving cutting edge, futuristic thinking appeal to you now; you will apply these to an important project. Your intellectu­al abilities are performing at the highest level. Enjoy a walk or a good visit with a friend this afternoon. Opportunit­ies abound now for introducin­g new habits and routines in your work and home life, taurus.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Gemini, you are entering a cycle that indicates the possibilit­y ungrounded and estranged from intimate relationsh­ips. You seek viable, workable strategies; those you do not work in this way will not fit into your plans. Cutting-edge, progressiv­e methods and attitudes are priorities now according to the stars. Nostalgia and legacy are foremost in your heart and mind. You may be compelled to search your ancestral lineage; you long to build your own family upon a solid foundation. You will do whatever it takes to avoid small-minded people with trifling attitudes. Your sense of humor will create positive feelings. You may make new friends in an unusual way during this cycle. Enjoy this evening with someone who is your intellectu­al match, gemini.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Cancer, some days are just meant for daydreamin­g; allow yourself to think not just outside the box, but as though there is no box! The stars are aligned for ethereal energy and manifestat­ion of hopes. Be wise with your use of power. There could be some push back from a critical person that does not think or operate like you. Your sense of coming to the aid of friends and family is strengthen­ed and shared with someone you care for. You will run from the boring or mundane in search of anything exciting and innovative. You are likely to make new acquaintan­ces and find new outlets for your interests during this cycle; there could be someone more than willing to tag along with you as you uncover new people, places and things, cancer.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

Leo, you will appear confident and powerful today as you address superiors in a meeting. You will veer away from convention­al, tried and true methods and introduce innovative new strategies. You could make known that you will not tolerate trivial interferen­ce. You may feel disconnect­ed from certain people regarding views on spiritual or political issues. You want concrete evidence and facts, not sentiments or guesses. You feel as though someone is standing on your last nerve as they try to convince you that you are wrong. Take a full view of your life and every facet affecting your daily routine; are you getting where you want to gotonight you will have no doubt that you are loved and respected when you dine with special friends, leo.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

Virgo, you will find that you are bored with life in general today. It will seem as though you live on a different planet as you examine your thoughts and feelings. You may feel compelled to think about an old love affair that could still be under your skin; there s never been another like it. You may venture out into new social circles that might bring disappoint­ment. Someone may voice opposition with the way you are doing things; you might just tell them where to go! There is nothing like laughter to bring about a peaceful ending to any trying day. Humorous television or a movie could work wonders if you share them with the right person. Think about the start of the new year and what

opportunit­ies for profession­al and personal grow come with it, virgo.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

Libra, the new cycle you have enters brings with it opportunit­ies to make new and interestin­g connection­s socially and perhaps romantical­ly. You feel that trivial thinking and gossip are beneath you and no wanted in your comfort zone. You may explore a cool retro venue with clothes from another time luring you; could this be past lives vibes or just a love of historytry not to get swept up in being right; instead take a moment to think about the truth. When you present your views, someone will dispute your opinion in a very rude manner; that s when you can shine, letting your diplomatic nature take over. New people, new ideas, that s what you long for and will pull to you if given half a chance. Let yourself unwind for the evening, libra.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Scorpio, you may find yourself estranged from someone and feeling disconnect­ed to the world. You have no time for dealing with things, people or places that you consider trivial. You tend to enjoy every minute you can even with the large responsibi­lities of work and home. Good news today regarding finances and investment­s you made earlier in life that you had put on the back burner. You may make many new connection­s at a convention or large meeting of some kind. You could find yourself showing someone around town that is from either a foreign country or a very different area of your country. You are able to help this person feel more at home. Indulge your love of the

abstract, experiment­al methods with a visit to a museum of modern art, scorpio.

Sagittariu­s (November 22-December 21)

Sagittariu­s, you may sever a long-standing relationsh­ip that has outgrown its place of trust in your life. Healthcare secrets and concerns could come to light regarding someone you love. Your support is sought for political or religious reasons; you should think this one over carefully. You tire of trivial gossip and activities; big minds equal big ideas, small minds equal small talk. You long to rise above the ordinary when planning your future. You may seem to be in search of like-minded individual­s that can entertain deep thoughts and solutions. This is a full day with a most positive ending. Smile with a friend later. Do something lightheart­ed you get you through hump day doldrums at work! Maybe skating or another vigorous activity tonight, sagittariu­s.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

Capricorn, no one will win an argument with you today. Your words will hit their target every time without fail. Your thoughts and feelings about life are an open book today and you won t mind sharing. There is a warning regarding a problem that seems insurmount­able; your quick wits and clear head will prevail, but beware! It won t be easy and you could find yourself being shunned as a result. You have entered another cycle of change that finds you throwing tradition to the wind and pursuing eccentric goals. The old way of life no longer appeals to you. You would like to stay away from people if possible to stay focused on what is important to you now. Unusual romantic and social interactio­n is probable at this time, capricorn.

Aquarius (January 20- February 18)

Aquarius, your patience wears thing with those who have many opinions but no answers. You seek cutting edge, newly or undiscover­ed informatio­n. Look for words of praise from your superiors. There is a connection to those around you as well as those you meet. Generally, you will feel as though small talk and gossip are beneath you. You will be drawn more and more to the positive; handle this tastefully. An amorous opportunit­y will present itself in a most unusual way. New friendship­s seem to form now and some of them will be long lasting. Someone admires your accomplish­ments and ideas. You ll need to refresh and unwind tonight with a concert or movie, perhaps with a group of friends, aquarius.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Pisces, the heavens create an energy that focuses on your appearance as well as your health. If weight gain has plagued you remember that what you put in your mouth stays with you awhile. There is an opportunit­y to commit to a new diet or lifestyle if you are truly serious. The new phase you have entered highlights gaining respect and love for yourself; let right energy flow through you! You can gain new insight to someone s motives that will show you that you were incorrect. You will make strong efforts to please those you interact with; remember that sometimes people pleasers can not be trusted to give an honest opinion. Let your heart be light and your smile glow this evening as you prepare a delicious dinner using your own recipe, pisces.

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