Kuwait Times



Aries (March 21-April 19)

Aries, you take stock of what things and people are actually worth. You will have opportunit­ies to accumulate money and items during this new cycle; material wealth is significan­t to you now. Legacy is a priority; you focus on accumulati­ng memories and things to be left behind. Home and family represent your inner most security goal; you long to have shelter from the storms of life. Marriage, contracts and partnershi­ps are seen as keys to success and happiness and they have plenty of lessons to teach you. At some point today or this evening you may experience a sense of panic; will i be abandoned, will i reach my goals. Let these insecuriti­es go and know that you will have all that you need and desire, Aries.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Taurus, you could make a change in where you live or remodel your present home. There seems to be great enjoyment of food and drink; putting on pounds could be a problem at this time. Sexual relationsh­ips and monetary gain hold far too much importance to you; let your practical nature speak to you. You want to push boundaries and may create a problem for yourself in doing so. Desiring a certain person could become obsessive due to the chemistry between you; be cautious. Monetary partnershi­ps are indicated; making money and planning for the future are of utmost importance. Look more at your motivation­s than what is going on before your eyes. You are at a point of new beginnings and new self-awareness, Taurus.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Gemini, you may have a tendency to keep your head in the clouds today; the people around you demand your attention. Someone could accuse you of being unrealisti­c; you could find yourself in a difficult position. Most important now is your home, family, legacy. This afternoon, you may find yourself reflecting on your own youth or some event from the past. This is a perfect time to unite with others to reach realistic goals. Pay attention to your finances so that what is spent matches what is made; live within your means. An interestin­g article in the news paper or on the internet will tell you something you needed to know. You could hear from friends this evening involving a fun outing; relax and enjoy a little free time, Gemini.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Cancer, you may want to make improvemen­ts to your home; be mindful of your budget! You will see that the quality of life is better than ever. Putting your nose to the grindstone will come with relative ease and successful outcomes today. For once you allow yourself to work smarter not harder when you realize how much more you can get done. You could have some absorbing flashes of thought regarding sensitive issue. You will catch the vibes of those you work or live with as you enjoy spending time with them today or this evening. More than ever, you consider a home and family to be your safe place. If you find that your head is in the clouds, relax and let this work to relax you at the end of this very busy, productive day, Cancer.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

Leo, your home is the place you hold dear above all other places; your legacy grows more important each year. You love being held in high esteem and viewed as someone who makes a difference. You want to achieve much and you want to do it in the best way possible; work smarter not harder comes to mind. You have no room for fiction or fantasy today and you are in a mood of making things happen in a realistic way; others depend on you for your foresight and enthusiasm. You may not be in a good position to teach or lead as this energy is low for you today. Focus on your happy home life and a new hobby you have started. Your evening will provide a perfect opportunit­y to observe and learn new ways to effect change, Leo.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

Virgo, the energy is good for lending support to your commitment to selfcontro­l. Your sensitivit­ies may threaten to boil over and spill all over your day; instead pause and close your eyes for a moment. You could have a new idea about a new recipe for healthier eating. There are lots of opportunit­ies for active communicat­ions with likeminded people. Try not to push your high expectatio­ns of yourself onto others; this could cause more problems than you need. You long to leave a good respectabl­e legacy for loved ones to enjoy after you re gone. Others could become upset if you mention what you may or may not leave them in a will. Leave room for dessert tonight and you

could find yourself being treated to dinner by a special friend, Virgo.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

Libra, the new year brings an eagerness to help those less fortunate; this could indicate people or animals but you feel a determinat­ion to make a difference in the world. The karma you build now is important as it could also serve to pay off old karmic debt. You jovial, lightheart­ed mood creates a fun environmen­t for coworkers and even bosses! You won t be interested in theories or maybes today: only facts and documentat­ion will do for the matters at hand. Home is where your true happiness and comfort lie for today and tonight; your sanctuary from the world and the rat race. Your intuition is right on today and you should take heed to what it is telling you. You will stand out in the crowd tonight when you and a date show up for a low-key dinner, Libra.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Scorpio, this morning in a meeting you will make a very important point. You will need to make an effort to stay out of a friend s drama; you have been there and done that. You want something that is yours and yours alone, not to be shared with the world or anyone else in it. Your head may not be right for making decisions just now concerning anything important; patience the time is coming. New prospects for future work could become known. Your artistic outlet is less common than most but it could attract some attention soon; perhaps your work will appear in an art crawl or coffee house concert. Laughing is more fun with two. Tonight could be the beginning of a new

favorite meal and you could share it with someone you care for, Scorpio.

Sagittariu­s (November 22-December 21)

Sagittariu­s, your chart indicates that you will continue your commitment to being the best you can be in the areas of health, spiritual and mental growth. You attract people that are headstrong and confident. A temptation may arise that threatens your good sense. You could feel uncomforta­ble in your own skin and want to keep to yourself doing whatever you want to do today. You may find you need to reconsider some decisions you have made in the domestic area. If there is a problem with finances, these can be solved easily open your eyes. If you are approached in an aggressive way be sure to step away for a few moments before you respond. Each person is different; do what is best for you. Again, exercise control in all things, Sagittariu­s.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

Capricorn, you desire security: a personal, close forever relationsh­ip, your fortress on the hill. You won t approve of a person s impractica­l treatment of a problem. This person does not think as you do and you may find yourself at odds. The timing couldn’t be better for reaching out to others with innovative ideas; you feel animated and energetic. You will be chatty and jovial today. New concepts and strategies seem to materializ­e from thin air. You could speak to an older person regarding your personal and private circumstan­ces; mutual respect grows from this interactio­n. This is a great time to return emails, letters or calls; a visit from you would be welcome. Unwind this evening with a friend and rest well, Capricorn.

Aquarius (January 20- February 18)

Aquarius, you could find your friends in need of your expertise. You are more into an innovative approach with less traditiona­l methods at the forefront. Events requiring reworking and new plans crop up unexpected­ly. What matters most to you right now is bringing your spiritual journey closer to your physical experience. Intuition will take a front seat throughout this cycle; you will have to use caution at first, then you will fly! Home is your safe place today and you will find a certain project will be easier than you thought. Take a few moments with your spouse or lover to express your true feelings. An answer will be discovered this evening. This evening you should definitely enjoy being off the clock and comfortabl­y at your home, Aquarius.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Pisces, only the truth will work for you as you discover that a new mission has been laid in your lap. Back stabbing and carrying tales will ignite your temper and you will more than likely let it be known. Now is not the time to seek, approval from everyone around you; being upright and honest is more important than being liked or agreed with just now. This could be the perfect time to begin that new painting or book you want to create! You could stumble across a new and interestin­g, actually doable, diet that appears to be just what you have been looking for. Remember to do things for people for the sake of doing them and not for praise; assess your motives. Your words will make sense and be very easy to listen to when you address a small audience, Pisces.

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