Kuwait Times

Poles still struggle with role - decades after the holocaust


WARSAW: Seventy-three years after the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau-the infamous Nazi death camp which has come to symbolize the Holocaust-Poles are still struggling to understand their own role in Germany’s wartime genocide of European Jews on Polish soil. A bill passed this week by the right-wing dominated Polish parliament designed to defend the country’s image abroad by criminaliz­ing the erroneous phrase “Polish death camps” has backfired, sparking an unpreceden­ted diplomatic row with Israel and sharp criticism from the US and the global Jewish community.

While the critics acknowledg­e there was no official collaborat­ion between the then-occupied Polish state and Nazi Germany, they regard the bill as an attempt to forget or even deny, the complicity of many Poles in the killing of the Jews during the Holocaust. On Wednesday, the US State Department warned that the bill, which has yet to be signed into law by President Andrzej Duda, could have “repercussi­ons” on “Poland’s strategic interests and relationsh­ips-including with the United States and Israel”.

Before Nazi Germany invaded it in 1939, Poland was a Jewish heartland, with a centuries-old community numbering some 3.2 million, or around 10 percent of the country’s population. Under Nazi occupation during World War II, Poland lost some six million of its citizens-including three million Jews in the Holocaust. The vast majority of Jews perished in ghettos and concentrat­ion and death camps set up by the Nazis in occupied Poland, including Auschwitz-Birkenau, Belzec, Chelmno, Majdanek, Sobibor and Treblinka. Although the exact number is difficult to determine, tens of thousands of Jews were also either killed or given up to the Nazis by Poles holding antiSemiti­c views.

Executors and executed

On the other hand, the Polish state in exile and the Polish resistance sought, in a clandestin­e but highly organized way, to save Jews by setting up the “Zegota” network in 1942. The resistance also issued death sentences on Poles who collaborat­ed with the Nazis or denounced Jews to them. The Polish resistance and government in exile in Britain were also the first to inform Allied powers including the United States about Nazi Germany’s ongoing genocide of European Jews. Germany set up a monstrous killing machine on Polish soil, with ghettos and death and concentrat­ion camps that claimed an estimated 5.7 million lives, half of whom were Polish Jews. But others Polish Jews perished at the hands of their non-Jewish neighbors. Polish-American historian Jan T. Gross triggered shock in Poland in 2001 with his book “Neighbors”, in which he revealed that in 1941 during the Nazi German occupation, several hundred Jews were massacred by their Polish neighbors in the town of Jedwabne. Between 340 and 1,500 Jews died during the massacre, according to historians. —AFP

 ??  ?? WARSAW: Senators attend an overnight session at the Polish Senate in Warsaw where the upper house of parliament voted 57-23, with two abstention­s, to approve a bill which sets fines or a maximum three-year jail term for anyone who refers to Nazi German...
WARSAW: Senators attend an overnight session at the Polish Senate in Warsaw where the upper house of parliament voted 57-23, with two abstention­s, to approve a bill which sets fines or a maximum three-year jail term for anyone who refers to Nazi German...

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