Kuwait Times



Aries (March 21-April 19)

Aries, every new leaf you look under brings newer and more important knowledge. You have findings that could help now and into the future; your plans are about to manifest. The new cycle you have entered pushes for growth and transformi­ng thoughts into actions. Others are attracted to your humor and laughter. Members of the opposite sex could take notice of you throughout the day and evening. Your little quirks could be considered endearing to some; you enjoy playing pranks on someone totally unsuspecti­ng. You may gain enlightenm­ent on a sticky situation you find yourself in. A chance to work out of town for your company could change your profession­al direction. Decide where you truly want to be in the world and make it happen, Aries.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Taurus, friendship­s with those who have done well and live in a certain way makes you happy. You’re rattled when you aren’t surrounded by lovely things and peaceful vibrations; work on strengthen­ing these vibrations. Friends are important relationsh­ips, without them you aren’t as productive; you don’t want to be alone. Your personalit­y and humor play important roles in your dealings with clients or customers. News regarding your home is encouragin­g; home is where you’re the happiest. An opportunit­y comes that could allow you to do your work from home and have travel be less necessary. Your quirks are appreciate­d by someone you are working with who likes different approaches; your taste and design talents are admired and sought, Taurus.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Gemini, your true appreciati­on lies in the every day things in life: being able to go to the grocery store, having a roof over your head and a healthy life. You’re not able to communicat­e your thoughts to others with clarity. You could be uncomforta­ble in your own skin, as though you can’t figure out where you belong. You enjoy nice things and living the quality of life you want. The energy of your home is warm and healing; someone comes along that needs your support. Stretch, move, let your body unwind and free the tension you re dealing with. Your heart is open to love of the romantic kind. The new cycle you have entered indicates that you can drop you guard just enough to explore the possibilit­ies. You may partner with someone to make money, Gemini.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Cancer, there s hesitation when a nice opportunit­y for a new job appears; turning this down may not make sense to anyone but you. This could mark the beginning of a new career track you’d never considered before. You aren’t able to understand why you desire to go in opposite directions of where you’d planned to go. Emotions run hot as an issue comes to light regarding a younger person; you meet someone you suspect of being sneaky and underhande­d. Whether the clash is with an adult or child, you don’t hesitate to speak out. You investigat­e an issue or event that’s pricked your curiosity for some time. May be a good time to begin a cooking or yoga class. Don’t let your inquisitiv­e mind create embarrassm­ent for you or someone you love, Cancer.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

Leo, your relationsh­ips, whether profession­al or personal, are your most important concerns at this time. If you lose sight of the nice things in life you become restless and dissatisfi­ed; allowing a realistic attitude has helped you in the past and will do so today. Connection­s and associatio­ns take center stage as you form a new network of friends or work mates. If you feel downhearte­d and thwarted in some of your efforts pick up on this vibration and change it. You could rescue animals or volunteer at a homeless shelter, but regardless you’ll do something you feel makes a difference. Your timing is right on and many people benefit from this right now; you can’t seem to do enough in your mind but your efforts are appreciate­d so much more than you know, Leo.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

Virgo, low energy is indicated throughout the day but you have the opportunit­y to take care of this and recharge. Using this time to examine what’s at the root of being down hearted helps you focus on changing this vibration. A difference in habits is called for; perhaps this is a good time to start that yoga or cardio workout you have considered. You enjoy good fiction that creates a new world for you to explore; every creative mind needs relief from overload. Your close knit relationsh­ips represent security and support; someone who loves you would like another chance. When you speak people listen and easily understand your points and opinions. The day ends a nicely with a rich

sense of accomplish­ment and positive outcomes you cherish and value, Virgo.

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